What hobbies, who collects what?

Something else I want to still get some day is a proper Hi-Fi setup.
Not even surround or Atmos or whatever, I don’t really give a hoot about movies or TV. Just a proper heaven in the ears stereo setup able to also move the earth a little for when I’m in the mood.

Nailed it!!!

In primary school I played a bit of chess, I still have a set, but haven’t played in years.
In primary school I was also in the choir, even made it on to the CD, I still have it somewhere.
Then I started judo, but had to stop that mid high school because of back issues, growing too fast for my back muscles to keep up and when that was sorted I never got back in to judo again.

The other day I decided that golf looks nice, so I want to give that a go now, some of my friends play a bit.

Oh I forgot to add earlier that I also collected wine, or rather not collect, I never had any rare or expensive stuff, so I guess gathered wine, but that very first lock down put a stop to that very quickly. :smiley:
Just this past weekend we once again discussed how miserably empty my wine rack looks now.

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Awesome! Sometimes I browse E-Piphany’s website just to fun… Hopefully one day I can start off a nice system myself!

I encouraged the entire family to take up a musical instrument. My wife bought a guitar years ago, and never got around learning to play it, so this year I basically found an instructor and booked both my wife and my son for lessons. Then I resolved to stay OUT of that instrument, because I have a tendency to take over and then after a while, it is no longer her thing, or our thing… but mine. Then I booked my daughter for piano lessons, and then (because I was now the only one left over), I booked myself for lessons too. It turns out I’m on the same level (just rusty) as my daughters teacher, so I was referred to our Church’s organist… who is – like – on another level. I like a challenge.

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Obviously, this works, today no other thread has been hijacked… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


And remember, pictures or it didn’t happen ne!


So speaking of hobbies. I follow a guy called Fraser Gartshore on YouTube. He travels the world and finds interesting pipe organs, then demonstrates/reviews them. For example this one. Also excellent for practicing your German, easy to understand, though he does make an English version of some videos too.

A proper setup with really good sound stage can bring the synergy out of music. I got a home theater setup too but can’t remember when last I used it. Think 2020 or maybe 2019. hahahahha. I’m more the stereo person. The wife is more into her movies.

I can pick up second hand stuff and older stuff that is still really good and you can do upgrades on them to make them better.

Just before we moved to our bigger house last year, I got my setup in that sweet spot in the other house with amp and pre amp upgrade and change the the Pre amps valves on the amp input side and pre amp to Philips EQ E88CC valves. The bass levels I got out of my 753 was unbelievable and detail. After that I never used my REL sub to fill in the blank spaces.

With the new house and bigger room comes different problems now. I just waiting for my new set of speakers to be finished, then I will do room correction and add curtains from ceiling to floor and sound diffusers.

Plans in the future is to build the house bigger and wife said I can build a room for just sound then.

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AAaaaa Hein. Know him for ages. His son took over, he stays around the corner of me. They got some really nice stuff on there floor at the shop. Go pop in by them. A other place with super nice stuff is Thirteen Art & Audio. Achim is the owner. He is more into the stuff that is from Germany and Switzerland and that part of the world. Super high end audio. Another nice place is The Listening Room. There is more names that I can mention to.

Perhaps we need to get you to come help our squash courts. Those echos are so loud I can’t even hear my inner self anymore.

Me too!
My hobby is to wander around the pawn shops just to see what’s for sale (and then justify why you need to buy that item…)
I also spent plenty of time in the local Hospice ‘bargain shop’. This was where the stuff that couldn’t be resold would land up. Junk would be a better description… :smile:

One man’s junk …

I have bought the most beautifully kept Fitsimon’s snakes Fitsimons Snakes and also Roberts birding books Roberts Birds from our local Centurion Hospice.

I also keep an eye open for hardwoods that I can re-purpose by turning pens.

Oh I’ve been there… Hein always shows me some new room and give me a listen (at least last time I was there he was still around)… I have the best impulse control. A big issue is that both my wife and I can distinctly hear, and appreciate, the difference between proper high-end audio and the normal stuff, so that makes it so much more difficult not to indulge and get a good stereo setup. We settled for now on a B&W Formation Wedge. When we get a proper stereo, that speaker will probably migrate to my office.

yeah, at least this bit I understand. I would go: Hey, this piano needs tuning. And my wife would ask: How do you know, you only pushed one key!? And I would say: The unisons are off…

Background info: On most of the strings in the upper-middle of the piano, the hammer actually strikes three strings that are side by side, all tuned to produce the sound correctly. These are known as “unisons”. If they are not correctly tuned, you can clearly hear it. Towards the middle left is the “tenor section”, which usually has two steel unisons, same as the upper trebble which also tends to have only two strings. Towards the very left you have your copper-wounds, a single string. That is another part where the ear comes in: A neglected piano will have a very thumpy bass sound, instead of that beautiful ringing sound that fills the room…

Got a few Valve amps myself and some decent speakers, nothing super high end. Also a turntable Rega Planar 3.

Now cleaning up these bad boys for a new camera….

It used to be my career in broadcasting. Shooting and editing profesionally.


So here i was, driving along in the left lane at surely under 130km/h, minding my own business and reading this post, i was at the “moffie” part when something caught my eye… I looked up only to realize I am less than 40 meters from a petrol truck driving not more than about 80 km/h… A quick glance in my right hand mirror made me decide that stepping on tje break is the best option…

I tell all of you i was about 2 meters away from starting a new collection… Collecting my teeth from the back of a truck…

I guess no more reading for me for the remaining 350km…

Make? Pictures? Price?

Jaco, we should stop selling these things man, we need a sharing is caring group, we can just send that stuff to the next guy and he can send in on to the next guy until it has gone full circle in a year or two, than we have brand new old stuff we never thought we will see again….
