Victron MPII Inverter Overload

Not going to smoothly I’m afraid.

I now first had to download VE Configure tools (didn’t think this was necessary.

But this is done and now the downloaded file I can open on this program. So I go and saved it somewhere else but when I go browse for it to upload it, its not in the folder I saved it.

No idea what to do now.

File was under VictronConnect directory … I default my browsers to always download all files to Download dir.

And the TTT-man saved the day!!!

What a pleasure watching him work his magic through Teamviewer and fixing my ballsup!

Jaco, I owe you big time thanks a lot!!!

Thanks to Marc also for calling, really appreciate it!

From what I understand then from the both of you, I had to have had the VRM Configure actual program on my pc to open that file. No idea I had to do this. So had to download it with my PC having a hissy fit saying its a dangerous file etc etc and blocking me all the way grrrrrrr.

So I thought all this could be done through the portal where I originally downloaded the file.

Maybe this (the part about actually having this software downloaded on a pc) could be added to the instructions/guide for idiots like me.

And even then I still couldn’t upload the file back up again. Something to do with having had to have the software ready and installed first before I downloaded the file? So Jaco dived in and made various adjustments and setups etc, I couldn’t even follow what he was doing.

Anyway, I’m up and running again, now just to gooi the loads back to the Multi and switch on the PV.

Much much much obliged guys!!!


I simply downloaded the file again, opened up the old file you downloaded, and loaded those values back into the newly-downloaded file, saved it, and uploaded that.

Why the original file did not upload, I have no idea, but it is a minor inconvenience, as there are many ways to skin a cat. :wink:

Shot @TheTerribleTriplet

Please see full instructions here… Remote VE.Bus firmware updates [Victron Energy]

Tools here:

It’s always worth starting at the source ie the Victron Web site as they are good at updating their help files and FAQ’s. I am not a fan of posting links like above as they can expire and that’s not ideal on a forum.


I really thought that I had this thing down, but clearly not.

The confusion came in me thinking that everything is done through the VRM Portal.

I had absolutely no idea a completely different program is needed.

I thought that the below was it, and all that was necessary.

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So for those that did this firmware upgrade, did you notice anything different?

It looks like I have somewhat of another issue. The MPPT’s are now not managing more than 1,9Kw, whereas they would easily run at 2,8Kw this time of day.

What could’ve changed?

I have breakers to switch each of the 6 strings of individually, and I made sure that they are all on again.

Well, maybe not. Just went to have a look. 2 panels are almost completely covered in shade now and another 2 has partial shade on them.

Maybe I just hadn’t noticed before what they look like this time of day.

I’ll check again tomorrow.

Also check:

  1. SOC
  2. Inverter wattage settings … spend some time on a site looking for a problem till the guy saw he set his inverter at 700w … :laughing:

Oh I cannot tell you how often that happens. It’s the bane of a programmer’s life. You make a release, and you ask people to test. Suddenly they notice a heap of bugs that has nothing to do with the update you pushed out… so it literally takes all your time to look into each one and then categorise it as a regression (this used to work before the update), and not-a-regression (this was always broken). Only regressions are fixed in order to get the update out the door… otherwise we’d never get anything done!

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The battery was actually quite full at 97% which would explain the low readings from the MPPTs.

But my inverter is set at full power.

Hahahaha sorry about this, but with my bad luck (as was demonstrated today) I always prepare for the worst as crap tends to hit me volleys. :cry:

I know the update is not suppose to make any other changes.

I’ll give feedback tomorrow! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

All appears well gents. :slight_smile:

Time is 11h10


So it was this step that you missed…

" At this point, the web browser shows below message. Note the downloaded settings template on the lower right:

3.3 Second stage - converting and restoring configuration

Convert the settings template by opening it in VE.Bus System Configurator. Do make sure you have the latest version installed.

Next, upload it to the system. Use the VRM Device List → Remote VEConfigure menu. This step will also restore the charge voltages."

Indeed this is what I missed. Every time when uploading the file got an error message.