Upgrading to Geyserwala Connect – Thoughts?

Hey everyone! :wave:

So, I’ve been wanting to remote control my geyser for a while now. I’ve got a Geyserwise Max setup and I saw the Geyserwala Connect upgrade. I must say it looks pretty lekker. Being able to see the graphs and track how the geyser is performing would be a great help. Especially since I’ve been wondering if the solar part is even working properly – had a few too many iffy showers for my liking!

I’ve also forgotten to turn off the geyser more times than I’d care to admit. Wasting electricity like that - not cool, so something like this could be a big win. I also like the idea of boosting up the water temperature from the gym so I have a decent hot shower waiting for me when I get home.

That said, it looks like Thingwala is a separate business, so should just go with the Geyserwise Tuya upgrade - though from what I’ve read people are not that impressed. I’ve had some dodgy experiences with smart gadgets before – clunky apps, things not connecting properly, or just giving me a hard time to set up. So, I’m a bit sceptical.

Anyone here using the Geyserwala Connect? How’s it treating you? I’d really appreciate any feedback before I pull the trigger.

Thanks a lot! :grinning:

Shower at the gym and save on water and electricity. :laughing:

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Seriously, save for the fact that I cannot see the temp of my geyser, the CBI Astute wifi breaker does all else I require and have been working flawlessly for more than 3 years now.

So if this is important, look for some similar gadget with a temp sensor as well. Only thing I would still want.

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@Swartkat I defo shower at the gym when I can, but mostly I run there :yum:

Thanks yah, I looked at the CBI, but I’d like to know how the solar is working for me - right now it is a black box. And being able to to see the temp means that I can really clamp down on my timers, and only switch it on when I need to.

So I’m very keen in the product, but is it any good? Anyone?

I use a Shelly with a temp sensor (mounted at the top, outlet pipe) of the geyser.
The Shelly triggers a big 20a relay, to switch geyser on/off.
Stock standard element in the geyser, the safety.

If the temp on the outlet exceeds 50deg C, then the Shelly switches the geyser off.
If there is no water used, outlet pipe hits 50deg, Shelly switches off UNLESS the element switches off first.

Note: Geyser is vertical.

Have Geyserwise on 2nd geyser with the Geyserwise Wifi panel. Wish I knew of Thingwala before I bought it. The Tuya App, running locally only, is a PITA compared to the Shelly.

Have not even bothered to get the Tuya on the Geyserwise Wifi Panel to interface with the Venus (NodeRED) nor HomeAssistant.

The Victron Venus, using NodeRED on it, controls the on/off of the geyser via the Shelly, based on Solar System parameters I set.

Can also control the Shelly from my PC/Phone if I need to override the programming.

Did it like so:

Thanks @TheTerribleTriplet I already have the Geyserwise Max with the solar collector so adding a smart switch gets complicated because I still want the pump to run. What were the issues with the Tuya?

I wonder if anyone has got the Geyserwala, or do I need to be the guinea pig?

True, forgot about that. It does complicate matters.

Me, if I want to “upgrade” the Geyserwise again, this is the route, Thingwala:

I bought another Geyserwise the other day and opted not to go for the wifi model, the plan is to upgrade it with Thingwala at some point.

One of my main reasonings for Thingwala is because a Geyserwise in standard form has too many limitations for my liking, referring to the 4 time slots over 24 hours which is not adjustible.

Having a time slot from 12:00 to 6:00 in the morning and then a time slot fom 6:00 to 12:00 mid day is a bit pointless, I’d much rather want to have a time slot from say 3:00 to 8:00 in the morning and set it to 55 degrees.

Currently I have the 12:00 to 6:00 as well as the 6:00 to 12:00 mid day slots set to 55 degrees.
When I’m alone it’s all good, Geyser switches on for 1.5 hours, heats to 55 and I shower around 6:00. However when I have guests over, after my shower I have to press the red button to get back up to 55 again, but then one forgets to switch off again and because of that stupid time slot it will heat to 55 all the time untill 12:00 mid day.

This is another option which I think hasn’t been mentioned…

That is the GW Tuya one. I have it.


Thingwala is better option as is being discussed here.

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Yea I looked at the Tuya one, but overall it doesn’t seem that great. The good reviews basically come from people who are happy because they now finally have remote control. Probably haven’t heard about the Thingwala display? The bad reviews are more telling, the app is meh, the display is still 1980’s and the timers are still in those 6 hour blocks.

Really what I’m asking for is an opinion from someone that already has the Thingwala one. It looks pretty good and @TheTerribleTriplet and @JN.V are also keen on it :stuck_out_tongue:

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After being annoyed for the longest time with the very limited geyserwise, I installed the geyserwala about a year ago. There’s few upgrades that I’ve done that’s been this helpful as the geyserwala. The biggest benefit for me was that I incorporated it into NodeRed, which is running on my virctron system. So now I don’t use timers anymore, but rather a formula that takes into account the SOC of my batteries, available solar power and weather prediction. Often we either had dead batteries or cold water, but now the program sorts it out much much better than regular timers. Very happy with the geyserwala!

Some more info of my system:


I’ve had the Tuya Wifi control on my Geyserwise since I’ve added my electric geyser to my gas water heater about 2 years ago. I’m very happy with it. The timer is set to switch the geyser on at noon only if battery SOC% is above 80% (with help of the Venus relay’s and assistants). This means that if there’s enough solar and the batteries charged to more than 80% before noon, the geyser switch on and heats up the water. If it’s cloudy and PV production is poor, it simply does not switch on and drain the batteries or use PV that could’ve charged the batteries instead. When and if this happens, I have to valves that needed to be switched (manually at this stage but working on an automatic solution) and Voila!! we’ve got hot water from the gas water heater. With more than enoug PV production in the Karoo this however happens very seldom and I get along with a 19Kg of LPG for up to 6 months, with 4 permanent inhabitants of which 3 are ladies with long hair (always the excuse for long showers) We do only shower in the evenings.

With the Tuya app I can however switch the geyser on and off remotely, monitor the temp, set it to holiday mode, adjust temp, etc. Not state of the art but it works well for me. I’ve switched on the electric geyser manually 2 or 3 times in 2 years (only when you realize the gas has run out late in the evening and I forgot to fill the spare). We never had to shower cold so there’s always some kind of backup and LPG costs at the moment is around R600 for a 19kg if I’m correct so make that a R100 per month expense for hot water.

It works for me :person_shrugging:

I must add, i haven’t played with NodeRed much but it seems the geyserwala upgrade will be on the table soon when I do.

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Wow @CZAUTO your system sounds quite sophisticated, thanks for sharing. I guess from what you and others have said that I should be getting the Geyserwala too!

Actually very simple using the programmable dry contacts of the Multiplus/Venus. I’m itching to play with NodeRed though. but time is as scarce as money :rofl:

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Thanks for all the help guys :slight_smile: I decided to go with the Geyserwala and got it yesterday. It looks like I got the latest model – super sleek design! I just installed it this evening, and wow, the setup was a breeze, especially after watching the install video.

So far, I’ve set up the timers, and oh my word, that alone makes it worth it! I also shared the app with the rest of the family – it’s neat how simple they’ve made it to share access.

Now I’m keen to see the graphs start populating so I can check the performance of my Geyserwise MAX.