Smart thermostat

12°C roughly
At ambient the difference was 2°C
Ill do some more testing with ice water and boiling water when the wife isnt home to not disrupt anymore WAF.

NTC sensors are not great in terms of consistency, but they should be good within 1-2°C.

If you are using the NTC constants from my code, they were tuned manually to perfectly match my thermocouple probe.

When I worked on some commercial refrigeration equipment I was amazed to find out they use these sensors almost exclusively in the industry.
And converting these signals to a 0-10V or 4-20mA signal is a mission…

I based mine on some of your code, and some other variants online, did some of my own calibration testing, ill do some more in the week. Atleast i know im close, I have not had a cold shower yet.