How to connect to my Cerbo GX

Storing ESKOM power in a battery when cheap and selling back to ESKOM when expensive will never be a moneymaker. Those are their selling conditions to you, not your purchase terms to them.
Additionally, I doubt there will be a UPS case where you use battery power in peak times and make a saving.

Perish the thought.
(I hate to say this but I’ve done some work for Eskom and they’ve paid me more than I’ll ever pay them in this lifetime as well as the next. And my work is a damn sight more reliable than their supply even when I was being loadshed as I was writing :triumph:)

I’d intended to use “But there’s now TOU on offer” to persuade the Babysitter to let me access ESS (because he’s been “UPS cannot have ESS” though he probably meant “UPS may not have ESS”),
so I can schedule the recharging away from Eskom’s peak times
and nix the change Charge Current or AC input way of doing it (I’m a bit fed-up because I specifically asked the Babysitter whether changing AC In would limit the throughput and he said: No.)

But @TheTerribleTriplet has kindly sorted out ESS access :smile: I don’t know what I’m going to say to the Babysitter :shushing_face: Maybe “I don’t have access to anything. How would I know?”

Now to:

  1. Set the Schedules to achieve “Charge any time you like except 05h50 to 09h30 and 16h50 to 21h30”.
  2. Get the TripConnect for the Courtesy Delay. We had an unplanned outage today which the techs sorted out pretty quickly and asked everyone to hold off immediately starting up their pool pumps and geysers and there was the usual “It’s my right! I’m paying for it” and the techs said “Please” and the people said “No” and the transformer crashed again and we were all without power for another two hours.
  3. Investigate this new ‘Self-consumption above limit’ option which strikes me as a way of exercising the lithum by letting it run the house for a few extra hours since it gets a minimal workout at 5% for 2 hours LS and 10% for 4.
    Venus OS v3.00 - Generator start/stop improvements, ESS Peak shaving - Victron Energy
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I heard my wife talking there …

– Rant: Starts –
I’m so sick of people “demanding” their perceived “rights” like that.
I, I, I, me, me, me … the grid is a shared resource like everything else FFS!
– Rant: Ends –

Reminds me of Cpt with #DayZero. Some people used water like crazy, I,I,I me, me, me are paying for it!!!
So Cpt promptly switched their water off having followed due course.

Like the solar system here … when people “demand” their solar rights, I switched their rights off … the <30’s that was here for a little while. :wink:

Electricity actually isn’t a right. It’s not in the Bill of rights.

Where it does come up legally, it is always another right that is being impeded. For example, in a building that had it’s power cut off because of a non-paying landlord, the tenants successfully argued that their right to dignity is being impeded upon. Dignity is in the constitution.

Similarly in the recent case about load shedding and hospitals. It is not that hospitals have a direct right to electricity. It is that the patients have a right to decent healthcare, and the lack of electricity impedes that right. Therefore it has to be rectified, and the court even provided an alternative: They need decent backup supplies if they cannot be exempted from load shedding (due to embeddedness).

Even if electricity was a right, it would be like water. It would be (at best) a negative right, which means the government is not allowed to interfere with my “natural access” to this source. No more.

There are too many people on this planet thinking that if you pay someone, you own them. Not how it works. The customer isn’t always right. Quite often, the customer is an a-hole.


My favorite saying!!!

I tell them that in a very PC manner when it gets to that point. I’ll help anyone but if someone gets a hissy fit that their time and money is worth more than my time and money, then part ways we shall.

The best thing … after the “talk”, some of them have been customers for decades.

The ones that got a hissy fit and left … bliss … some of them don’t even have a business left because of their silly attitudes.

The client is NOT always right!

My other thing, bug if you want, is" Too many people, too many rights demanded.
At what point do we have to get, to realize, “the tail should not wag the dog”?

A minority with the loudest voice should not dictate to a majority that they have more “rights” than the majority. The problem is, the majority is too busy to be bothered with life, to voice their opinion.

If you hear what sounds like a passive-aggressive response, examine your conscience for whether you’ve been patronising or could have been construed as being patronising :laughing:

Ps. I think I see where you are going with this passive-aggressive point … males, in support, sometimes it works so much better if one just says it as it is … o boy, poor babysitter. :rofl:

We, men generally, don’t always “understand” the subtleties of conversation.

But yes, one has to do self-reflection first … the other thing that is missed so often … upon self-reflection, who has the balls to go and apologize as easily as it was when one was getting so worked up?

sometimes it works so much better if one just says it as it is

So my catchphrase to my predominantly male colleagues is: “You’re talking crap, with respect. Go do the reading.”
But that doesn’t go down so well coming from a woman. Well, it didn’t when I was more junior. But now I’m known and feared and apparently they all know to watch for The Eyebrow of Scepticism and to drift to a stop if it becomes The Eyebrows of Disbelief.

who has the balls to go and apologize as easily as it was when one was getting so worked up …?

I don’t get this. For me it’s the easiest thing to say “On reflection/further reading, I was talking crap” or “I’m an idiot” or even to apologise if the spat was about a subjective matter (within limits. If it’s “drama”, then the queen will be kicked to the kerb.).

I thought it might be that I have a natural “no balls” advantage :laughing: i.e. no ego about “facts”
but no, here’s perceptive Tolstoy on it: Pierre’s Rashomon moment when he falls out of love with the Freemasons:

“[Pierre’s] speech not only made an impact, it produced uproar in the lodge. The majority of the brothers considered that the address smacked of Illuminism and gave it a cold reception, much to Pierre’s surprise. The Grand Master began to raise objections. Pierre began to expound his own views with more and more passion. It was a long time since a meeting had turned out to be as stormy as this one. There were two factions, one ranged against Pierre, accusing him of Illuminism, the other on his side. For the first time in his life Pierre was struck by the endless variety of men’s minds, which guarantees that no truth is ever seen in the same way by any two persons. Even those members who seemed to be on his side interpreted him each in his own way, with provisos and alterations which he found unacceptable since his most urgent need was to transmit ideas to other people exactly as he saw them in his own mind [alt since his chief desire was to convey his thoughts to others exactly as he himself understood it.].”

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This is a fabulous book: Ian Leslie’s ‘Conflicted’. My OH is one of the FCO’s “Super Sherpas” and I’ve observed him do this thing of “giving face” to de-escalate. Lethal.

Another of my “favorite” things … don’t assume you think you understand what a person is saying/implying (how one prefers to understand it/interpret it) … ASK THEM for clarity.

A LOT gets dropped wirelessly when on wants to “transmit ideas” …

I know … just ask my wife.

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Yes :raised_hands:

And even when one asks, to be aware of the limitations of language.

If you guys drag Chomsky in here, I’m heading for the hills!

Just hit me … with all of this chat on non-UPS things, we have analyzed this entire thread too!

It has been misunderstood!

You have a super nice UPS with Intelligence built-in (and activated) running off a Lifepo4 bank … how to use it optimally based on YOUR requirements/beliefs/wants, the core question.


The fact that your system is already perfectly positioned to get solar panels if required … just a super nice side bonus.

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Eco is the man for the moment :smile:

Not a super nice bonus: my guys specifically designed so if I called and said “Panels now please!”, they know where the MPPT and extra cabling will go along the wall, the roof has already been checked by a structural engineer, and they’ve already decided they like a particular third of the long north side for the panels. I like to be organised.

I keep thinking that, in ordinary times, this would be like planning for a bespoke suit or wedding dress or similar. You could ask for polka dots to you tie and they’d discreetly cut to soften a tummy. You’d go to their offices and have tea in a nice cup and look at pattern books. Attentiveness to context, basically. But you can actually feel the undercurrent of fear that’s driving things at the moment.
It is what it is, but is why I’ve waited patiently for my Babysitter and not bugged him with questions and demands / organised my thinking ito the manuals so I can communicate a little more clearly so he doesn’t have the additional burden of trying to work out what I want and possibly misinterpreting what I want! Your point earlier about Clarify! because you don’t know the other’s context. I’ve learned a bunch on this thread this week! And my personal tutoring for which I’m eternally grateful :pray:

On the subject: I’m seldom passive-aggressive (prefer active aggressive)
but just this week I sent a screenshot to the three pushiest (non) installers who’d decided over the phone that induction couldn’t go on “essentials” without exploding an inverter (unless maybe they could install an 8kW system because all four rings on at once on max power adds up to 8kW :grimacing: If I wanted that much boiling water, I’d take it from the geyser):

Three rings on at once during the weekend batch cooking, two on simmer, one on sizzle: 2000W.

I hope they got the subtext: Weep, bitches.

Hi, Where are you based?

Moi? Kyalami, Jhb. The whole area’s on Eskom Direct, which is a blessing, I have to say.

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