EskomSePush: API available

No issues on my side – cards still works as intended (not the mushroom template cards though but similar templating).

Got an email.

I don’t think I changed anything, but here’s my latest cards:
Card 1:

type: custom:mushroom-template-card
primary: Upcoming loadshedding slots
icon: mdi:power-plug-off-outline
multiline_secondary: true
secondary: >
  {%- for event in states['sensor.eskomsepush'] -%} {{
  as_timestamp(event['start']) | timestamp_custom('%a\t%Y-%m-%d   \t%I:%M %p\t')
  }}➡{{ as_timestamp(event['end']) | timestamp_custom('\t%I:%M %p\t') }}
  ({{event['note']}}) {{- '\n' -}} {%- endfor -%}
icon_color: red

Card 2:

type: custom:mushroom-template-card
primary: Upcoming loadshedding stages
icon: mdi:guy-fawkes-mask
multiline_secondary: true
secondary: |2-
   {%- for event in states['sensor.eskomsepushstatus'] -%} {{
          as_timestamp(event['stage_start_timestamp']) | timestamp_custom('%a\t%Y-%m-%d %H:%M\t') }}➡{% if loop.index < loop.length %}{{ as_timestamp(loop.nextitem['stage_start_timestamp']) | timestamp_custom('\t%a\t%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') }}{% else %}{{'\t\t\t\t\t\t    '}}             
  {%- endif -%}{{'\t:\t\t'}}{{ event['stage'] }}{{'\n'}}
          {%- endfor -%}
fill_container: true
icon_color: orange
badge_icon: ''

and the Rest sensors:

  - resource: ""
    scan_interval: '02:00:00' # RATE LIMIT!
      Token: !secret EskomSePushToken
      id: "capetown-9-pinelands"
      #id: "<your area id here>"
      - name: EskomSePush
        unique_id: eskomsepush
        force_update: true
        value_template: "OK"
          - events
          - info
          - schedule
  - resource: ""
    scan_interval: '02:00:00' # RATE LIMIT!
      Token: !secret EskomSePushToken
      - name: EskomSePushStatus
        unique_id: eskomsepushstatus
        force_update: true
        value_template: "OK"
          - status

The signup is super easy.
You get the new token immediately, paste into secrets, and you’re done.

Thanks! The only thing I changed was “capetown” to “eskom” in the attributes.
Oh sorry, I see my mistake! The token is required under each sensor, amateur mistake! Thanks for helping me get there though!

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What’s up with the Eskom “API”?

It switches between stages 1 and 2 constantly. Well at least the last 2 hours.

Edit: aaw bummer. My automation to refresh EskomSePush with every Eskom status change backfired and now I’m out of API requests.

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Eskom blocks requests to get the current status for loadshedding unless its browser with cookies…

Is this news? It always used to work.

Nope, seems to be Eskom:


I have never found the eskom API to be reliable

$ vi public_html/LoadShedding/GetStatus

Maybe the guy who does that made a typo… if they are even running Linux and using vim :slight_smile:

I’m getting the same issue with the mushroom card, it works fine when there is loadshedding level 1+ but when there is no loadshedding it seems the sensor then reports unavailable which I suspect is causing the issue, not a software guy so no idea how to fix it, maybe one of the clever guys on the forum could point me in the right direction :raised_hands:


## Eskomsepush Loadshedding Schedule      
  - platform: rest
    name: EskomSePushStatus
    resource: ""
    scan_interval: '02:00:00' # RATE LIMIT!
      Token: !secret EskomSePush
    unique_id: eskomsepushstatus
    force_update: true
    value_template: "OK"
      - status        
## Eskomsepush area sensor     
  - platform: rest
    name: EskomSePush
    resource: ""
      Token: !secret EskomSePush 
      id: "capetown-11-constantia"
    - events
    - info
    - schedule
    value_template: "OK"
    scan_interval: '01:00:00' # RATE LIMIT!    
## Eskomsepush allowance (50 calls per day) sensors      
  - platform: rest
    name: EskomSePushAllowance
    resource: ""
        Token: !secret EskomSePush 
    json_attributes_path: "$.allowance"
      - count
      - limit
      - type
    value_template: "OK"
    scan_interval: 3600

## Template sensors are based on ESP above       
  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Next loadshedding time
        device_class: timestamp
        unique_id: Next_Loadshedding_Time
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.eskomsepush','events')[0].start }}"
        friendly_name: Next loadshedding level
        unique_id: Next_Loadshedding_Event
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.eskomsepush','events')[0].note }}"
        friendly_name: Next loadshedding end time
        unique_id: Next_Loadshedding_End_Time
        device_class: timestamp
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.eskomsepush','events')[0].end }}"
        friendly_name: Next loadshedding duration
        unique_id: Next_Loadshedding_Duration
        unit_of_measurement: mins
        value_template: '{{ [( as_timestamp(states.sensor.next_loadshedding_time_end.state) | int - as_timestamp(states.sensor.next_loadshedding_time.state) | int ) / 60,-1] | max | round(0) }}'
        friendly_name: Time until next loadshedding
        unique_id: Time_Until_Next_Loadshedding
        unit_of_measurement: mins
        value_template: '{{ [( as_timestamp(states.sensor.next_loadshedding_time.state) | int - as_timestamp(now()) | int ) / 60,-1] | max | round(0) }}'
        friendly_name: Time until next loadshedding ends
        unique_id: Time_Until_Next_Loadshedding_ends
        unit_of_measurement: mins
        value_template: '{{ [( as_timestamp(states.sensor.next_loadshedding_time_end.state) | int - as_timestamp(now()) | int ) / 60,-1] | max | round(0) }}'

        friendly_name: EskomSePush API Calls remaining
        unique_id: EskomSePush_calls_remaining
        value_template: '{{ int(state_attr("sensor.eskomsepushallowance","limit")) - int(state_attr("sensor.eskomsepushallowance","count")) }}'

        friendly_name: Loadshedding slot forecast
        unique_id: loadshedding_slot_forecast
        value_template: >
          {%- for event in states['sensor.eskomsepush'] -%} {{
          as_timestamp(event['start']) | timestamp_custom('%a %d %b:') }} {{ event['note'] }} {{
          as_timestamp(event['start']) | timestamp_custom('from %H:%M') }} to {{
          as_timestamp(event['end']) | timestamp_custom('%H:%M') }}
          {{- '\n' -}} {%- endfor -%}

The reason why it breaks is because it is looking for first event (event [0]) in the list of events. When there’s no events, there’s no 0, 1, 2 etc.

I fixed mine with something like this – first check if the number of events are bigger than 0, then use the first. IF not, set it to Unknown.

        friendly_name: Next loadshedding time
        device_class: timestamp
        unique_id: Next_Loadshedding_Time
        value_template: >
            {%if state_attr('sensor.eskomsepush','events')|count > 0 %}
                {{state_attr('sensor.eskomsepush','events')[0].start }}

Was super unstable last night, now it’s fine again:

I’m not sure that’s exactly true.
My code (as posted) produces this UI with no upcoming slots:

I will say that I was seeing similar issues to @jatho the other day.
Have a look under “Developer tools” → “States”
Search for “eskom” and check that the REST sensor is getting data:

If it isn’t, a restart of HA can often sort it out (well, that’s what I eventually resorted to, and it did)

Mine is now displaying correctly but its only because there are upcoming loadshedding sessions, as soon as there aren’t any it displays as per my previous post because the sensor is in a state unknown. I’ve tried the reboot and it doesn’t have any effect.


I suspect that @ebendl’s suggestion may work so will try that, just need to wait until there are no upcoming stages to confirm.

Thanks for all of the input, much appreciated.


That actually looks like not all the machines serving that API where updated. As the load-balancer switches between them you get different answers.

Ask me how I know :1st_place_medal:

Haha… yes I’ve had that too. You design this beautiful setup… for us (previous job) it was always at least two Zope application servers, talking to a database with failover, with haproxy loadbalancing and varnish in front to cache the heck out of all the static content…

Updating was always interesting. Especially since Zope (which is to Python as Jboss is to Java) takes a while to start up and heat up the database caches…

I realise I must change this value to my own but how do I find the exact id for my area?
I tried various permutations …



You can use the search endpoint: EskomSePush API 2.0