Eskom ... is there ANY chance? In CPT there is

Childish nogal?

It strikes me as “poisoning the well”, a kind of ad-hominem attack where you preemptively present something negative to claim that discredit what the person said. Basically:

Mr. De Ruyter threw a childish hissy fit, therefore he is lying.

I think we need to send the entire bunch of ANC ministers for sensitivity training. If someone had tried to poison me, I’d threw a hissy fit too. To call that childish is to dismiss the very strong emotions that ought to make you get off your arse and do something!

The part that “got me” seriously worked up …

The #*$&% “word games” they are playing, with impunity, still, after ALL the fiascos the last decade where the same strategy was used, and most also blew up in their faces.

Also calling it childish puts De Ruyter in a “younger category”, hence lessening the importance of what he said, being “classified” as being “young”.

I have no hope that anything done in and around Eskom will not be “business as usual”. All the words used that this time it will be different, empty warm air.

I am feeling more and more that the only way out, is that we need a blackout … may be the only way left to stop these old compromised people in charge with all their baggage.

And the other political mamparas, sorry, parties responses so far … yea whatever.

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The Slothful Induction Fallacy

Even though every project Brad has managed in the last two years has run way behind schedule, I still think we can chalk it up to unfortunate circumstances, not his project management skills.

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It’s something I’ve learned to do. Look carefully for these hinting words, designed to sneak in a conclusion before the fact, clearly indication that your interlocutor does not come from a place of sincerity.

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Weeks after De Ruyter has “left the building”, all the warnings from multiple parties about the state of the stations … suddenly all goes better …

Yeah, somebody lit a gas light :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

This argument actually irritates me, from both sides. Guys, when it comes to big mechanical contraptions like power stations, the time lines are significantly longer than a few days, or even a few weeks. You cannot conclude that the new electricity minister has anything to do with the improving EAF we’ve seen this week. You cannot conclude, as our friend Koko does, that it has anything to do with the departure of De Ruyter.

(Seriously… this guy is an engineer?)

The odds are that the improving EAF is because of maintenance done by De Ruyter and his team.

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Should you Plonkster, have been behind the poisoning of DeGeneRuyter, you would have responded like that, no? Not suggesting even remotely you did this …

LewendeGroetnisonderdie Sonskyn

I very much agree with you … but that is not a “yarn that is going to get spun” now is it? :slight_smile:

Also, De Ruyter and a few others warned last year already that there is a very tough road ahead.

Ps. I’m pretty sure a stern talk was had with the criminal syndicates … “Good, we got rid of the white guy” … followed by “let’s get new funds in first … wait for after the elections.”

I think we can allude to our hearts content to which “playbook” is in use by now.

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Yeah, like the old school bully, who defends himself afterwards with: Oh come on! I was just joking with you! Don’t be so childish, it was just a little cyanide!

Not a small dent and not these are exVAT as well. Interesting to see how this is plays out…

This was telling …

In other news, someone also made a comment:

Has anyone else heard or read about that?

Cause I found it very “interesting” that we have had such a good “break” with LS suddenly, my emails/push notifications were so quiet this week of LS, LS over, LS, LS over … I felt unloved.

In the words of Gmail… “You don’t have any mail! Our servers are feeling unloved.”

The board and the politicians have ZERO comprehension, the narrative is way more impotent than reality of fact.


Oh, dear.

Not sure if I should by more panels or start looking at emigration…

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That came out unequivocally for the last 6 months for most of SA in some form or fashion.

De Ruyter had no small role that he played in that.

The new “popcorn and beer” show is how this entire saga is actually going to play out “on the ground” in the next 1/3/6/12 months, with the sheer incompetence in charge, the inaction from Gov.

SA has a lot of resilience… but still … it “feels like” we need to hit rock bottom first before real change will take place. And that goes back to:

  1. Will we go Level 8+?
  2. Will we have a National Blackout?
  3. What “deals” will be signed up and at what cost to avert 1 and 2 above, if possible?
  4. Or will SA become a totally failed state in the eyes of the world as we circle the drain … then “gloep”?

I could not find proof of that … but it made sense for “the speed” from regular >4 LS levels to no LS - and not mathematically or scientifically deduced, just based on the immense reduction of the Push Notifications from my system. :wink:

That is a whole new discussion… maybe start a new thread to share and debate the pros and cons of immigrating vs more panels?

Again, because Twitter now thinks I might want to know what Engineer Koko has to say (probably also because I’m easily provoked into responding :joy: ), I noted how he used the fact that Camden is at 70% EAF as an example why De Ruyter was wrong about the age of old power stations.

What he forgets is that Camden was refurbished in the early 2000s (finished in 2011) and had an EAF of 95% back then. Nobody said old stations cannot have their lives extended… of course they can. Again, I wonder if any of these people own a car. Yes, I can continue driving a 1960s car… but unless there is some classic value in that vehicle, most people move on before the thing starts costing a lot of money… and THAT was De Ruyter’s point, that at some point, the money is BETTER spent elsewhere.

(When did we stop doing comprehension tests in English in school? I could have sworn this was still a thing in the 80s and 90s… ).

This below is the part that caught my attention … the rest is as you say, BS before brains, selling a new narrative, I mean, the Gov must look “good” here man … they “rely on us”.

“The fact that a monopoly issues a statement to celebrate” such a performance is “just an illustration of the crisis,” he said.

Always in the tiny details, the real story.

This is not a comprehension issue, alas. This is calculated and deliberate. There is the ideology and the culture, and the chip on the shoulder… The enemy ya know.
