Eskom ... is there ANY chance? In CPT there is

I have many friends and colleagues overseas, they all say the same thing: SA is beautiful and you can have a much better life here than there. This is UK, US, AUS, NZ, SG, probably missing a few.

I find that UK ones back here annually. This is where they choose to spend their holidays. The others are a little far for quick trips. My sister is in NZ at the moment, visiting now in May for the first time in three years. It is very expensive living there, and flights aren’t as cheap as what it used to be.

And, don’t fool yourself, WhatsApp video call isn’t the same as sitting around a table with your loved ones. We lie to ourselves that a video call will solve all our heartache. It does not. It is awkward and not better than a normal call. In fact, it is worse. I don’t care how my sister looks, it adds nothing to our conversation. But we can’t actually share experiences.

For me, it would need to get a hell of a lot worse here before I’m willing to say to myself, “Alright, this is it, I’m going. Probably going to see my mother 10 times before she passes away, but this is a sacrifice I’m willing to make.” (And yes, it is a highly selfish “sacrifice” since my mom had to get me to where I am today, but I’m leaving her when she needs me most)

To make it clear, I don’t judge people that leave. Everybody’s situation is different. I’m fortunate to have three grandparents still alive, all my parents, uncles and aunts. I have an excellent, professional job, that keeps me on and ahead of my international colleagues in terms of skills. To leave SA, even though I can do so relatively quickly through the company I’m working for, is not an obvious option. My requirements for staying here are:

  1. To be able to provide food for my family
  2. To be able to ensure safety and a good home for my family
  3. To be able to afford good healthcare for my family
  4. To be able to give my kids a good education

The only one that can change in the foreseeable future is number 3 if the NHI comes in. That would give me a year or two to settle my things here and move. However, then it also excludes the UK and other countries with socialised healthcare. The horror stories that friends have told me from their experiences of the NHI for anything but the most mundane of medical issues is enough to make me steer well clear.