The "fall" of academics in Schools in SA

Indeed, Nr. 3 and 4 are my two items as well. A good education is still quite attainable in SA. What irritates me is the extreme cost. Education should not be a privilege only afforded to the rich, but increasingly it is becoming so (and keep in mind, a white guy is writing this… this has gone beyond race).

Let me say something very very controversial. You know how Afrikaans people are accused of keeping others out by using the language? I am here today to tell you that not only is it true, but it goes beyond just the language and the colour of the skin. It is increasingly becoming a game of the best schools trying to attract the best students.

What you want is the students likely to pass, because you need that good pass rate to attract more good students. You need the affluent parents to help fund the school, because state subsidies are only so much. You need those sporty kids to put you on the map. In fact, the entire education system (secondary and tertiary) is in some kind of competition to be the most excellent (in Afrikaans, uitnemendheid).

The reason? I lay that squarely at the feet of our government. When a new school is really really needed in an area, and the answer is “you’re in affluent area and the need is greater elsewhere” every time for 20 years, then what else do you expect? You can blame people all you want for keeping others out, but it’s quickly becoming a situation where the talented and well-funded kids get into the good public schools, and the rest of us end up having to go private…

(In case you’re wondering, I’m in the process of high school applications… and 2 out of the 3 is in a neighbouring town).

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