Charge Parameter for PylonTech on GX

I see my PylonTech battery bank parameter is set to only charge at 47.4A on the GX.

DVCC is enabled so I understand this data is from the BMS? I dont yet have the MPII installed, this is with only two Victron MPPT’s connected, one 250 | 60 and one 100 | 20

Where is the current limit coming from and how do I change it?

Normally if you have the Pylontech connected to the GX with the comms cable, the Pylontech battery BMS will give those charge parameters to the system.
If the battery does not have any comms connected, then you need to manually provide the charge parameters.

Pylontech batteries don’t have the highest charge/discharge currents.

So those parameters would all come from the BMS of the battery. I believe the 53.2 is overridden by the Venus to be 52V (but I’m speaking under correction).

On my 2xUS3000B batteries, when they are full, I am getting 29.6A and 74A. For interest’s sake, what is your battery setup?

Yip, the Venus does override the voltage to 52.4V. That part works perfectly.

The confusing part is the charge current limit. My understanding is the charge and discharge limits on the Pylontechs are the same ie 25A for the US2000 and 37A for the US3000?

My bank is made up of four US2000B batteries and one US3000 battery.

So I would expect the charge and discharge current limits to both be 137A as per the specs from Pylontech.

@plonkster Could you perhaps shed some light?

@jykenmynie Have you been able to charge above 29.6A? Which version of VenusOS are you running? I’m running 2.60

What I am asking is is the charge limit a hard limit? Or have I not configured something?

The setting must be dynamic as it has now changed…

Maybe the limit is based on the SOC?

Sure, when the battery isn’t full. Then it goes up to 74A. No point in charging at 74A when it is full.

Thanks, makes sense.

I will check it in the morning again

Thanks for the replies, I see the parameter is definitely based on SOC. The GX now says the charge limit is 137A.

I’m new to the Victron family and still learning as I go but so far I am VERY impressed and happy with Victron.

Thanks again

Brilliant! It is good that you monitor you system and try to understand its features and functions. That is really the best way for you to optimise and maintain going forward.

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Again, for interest’s sake, what inverter do you have at the moment? So am I correct in assuming that you are charging the Pylons with your Victron MPPTs, managed through the GX, but you have a different inverter connected up to the batteries, using them in your house?

I am currently busy migrating to a Multiplus II 5000 from my existing system.

I currently have an Infinisolar with a 3kW PV array on the internal MPPT.

I then have another 1kW PV array on the Victron 100 | 20 MPPT charging the PylonTechs through the GX (a raspberry Pi actually running Venus OS) in parallel with the Infinisolar.

I am in the process of migrating the 3kW array from the Infinisolar to the Victron 250 | 60 MPPT. This requires the strings to be rewired to get the voltage to the correct range for the Victron MPPT as the Infinisolar has a high voltage MPPT.

Once the MPPT’s are all in production then I can replace the Infinisolar with the Multiplus.

Nice! You will be very happy with the Victron system (I know I am).

Which components do you have in your Victron setup?

My setup looks like this:

  • Multiplus II 3kVA
  • 2x SmartSolar 100/20-48V
  • a Pi3 with VenusOS as the GX
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I have:
Multiplus II 5kVA
2xBlueSolar 150/45 MPPTs with 6x320W Monos on each (another 3x320W Monos waiting in the garage for @JacoDeJongh to come install!). All west facing.
Venus GX

In my naughtiest of dreams, I do the following in the future:
Throw the 6xswimming pool heating mats off the north-facing roof, install 6x420W Monos on another 150/45 and a 2.5kW swimming pool heat pump. Then I can swim all year round (granted that I had some clear skies).

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The limit is sent by the battery using the CAN0-bus. When the battery is close to full, the battery halves the charge current. So a US2000 will normally ask for 25A (C/2) per module, but will lower that to 12.5A later (C/4). At least, this is what I have seen in the field. I’m not quite sure how it got to 47.4A, but in principle, this is most likely why the numbers are different. If you scroll over to the others screen where you can see the SOC, chances are it’s somewhere between 95% and 100%.

That might work well. Perhaps I should do something similar in my driver.

My system was charging the battery nicely to just close to 98% with the 4 panels I had. This weekend I add 2 more panels facing east and now the battery is fully charged before noon and that one pesky cell that overvolts is messing me around.

Thanks Plonkster.

He has one US3000B in the mix, so I would have expected 4x50/4 + 1x75/4 = 68.75 instead of the 54.8A, but maybe Pylontech does something funny when there’s a mix of different battery capacities.

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Something I have noticed on the Pylontechs, the 3000 has the latest firmware and shows 100% SOC at 52.4V but the older firmware on the 2000’s shows 98% SOC at 52.4V.

I suspect the differences in SOC is effecting the charge limit displayed.

My setup only charges the Pylons to 52V, still shows 100% after sitting there for an hour or so. @plonkster should my settings be changed somewhere to also take it up to 52.4V, I know there’s very little energy stored at that stage, but perhaps it’ll improve the balancing of my cells?