Cape Town forum member get-together

Hi guys, one of the members whatsapped me last night with a great idea.

He suggested that the forum members from the Cape area meet at a venue somewhere on a Saturday morning for a breakfast or brunch.

I am very keen to do something like this if you guys are willing to sacrifice a few hours.

It would be a great way to get to put a face to the name and just get to know each other.

Who is keen, I am not sure of my exact dates yet, but i would like to ask for suggestions for a venue.

Lets see who is up for it before i start calling on people specifically :rofl:


Count me in!

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Date dependent, I’m keen in principle :slight_smile:

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I’m in as well. I would prefer a Saturday morning.

As a start, I’d like to suggest two possible options. Hopefully not too far out of Cape Town for those on that side.

Avontuur wine estate, because I like their wines and they have a nice outdoor area where you can sit while doing a wine tasting, and then they have the usual side platter with some stuff that goes with the wine.

Mont Marie, if you’re keen for a late breakfast kind of thing. This is on the Blauwklippen road outside Stellenbosch.

Let me know if this is works, or if you want to look at something a bit less formal :slight_smile:

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If nothing else pops up, wife and I are in.



  1. Me breakfasting at a wine farm and she is not invited … the aftermath will get expensive.
  2. And the darker side … plan z … she can meet some of you (my forum connections) in the dark event that I’ve checked out, or became incapacitated, that she knows where to ask for help.

… yea it is dark, but shiite happens very fast.

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I dont mind if partners wants to join. I am fine with that.

I’m in as well. Any time on a weekend should be fine. A wine farm sounds like a great idea :grinning:

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I would love to but FAR away… Just a request maybe… no discussion allowed on the “true cost” of the solar gadgets, etc we NEED (@TTT vs WANTs) for our systems… your partners are going to Freak Out!

I want you all to live to meet me another day… :wink:

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No man, I am sure the University needs you to collect something from CoCt that weekend.


I will provide an alibi in the shape of pretending it was a promotional gift… :slight_smile:


What about our poor Vaalies?

Count me in


Should I get hold of the Capetown Convention Centre to see if they can host this event??

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Hi Richard, that feels a bit formal imo. To be honest I dont know what they offer, but when i hear convention centre i freeze up, feels like a meeting and someone needs to talk. I cant even write properly, whos going to do the talking?

Lets see what is available before we decide, I would like an informal setting, just sit and chat. Anyone?

Naaa, too small …

Think you need to see if you can get the stadium booked for the event.

I think Richard was joking. But the way this forum is going, it might be like that annual Stellenbosch art event now simply called “Kamers” (formerly Kamers vol geskenke). Started out small, now it is a full commercial endeavour!

So 6 definites and 1 maybe so far.

Given the preference for a wine farm, I’m going to propose Avontuur then, unless another suggestion is offered. Date to be confirmed once Jaco has his ducks in a row…

Speaking of ducks, there’s also Vergenoegd, which is a bit closer to the city. Really nice, but I haven’t been there in a long time and cannot remember exactly what it is like :slight_smile:

Remember to count the guy that initiated this, I am sure he will be there as well. @jykenmynie, your in?

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I would definitely want to join! My wife and kids are likely to tag along on a Saturday morning. As long as we don’t have a birthday party (there seems to be one almost every weekend) …

We’re not too fussed about the location. Rather have it dictated by how many people will be coming, and what we’ll be doing. We live very close to @TheTerribleTriplet, but my wife is easily sold on a Stellenbosch/Somerset/Franschhoek trip! Close to @plonkster’s, Vergelegen is a nice spot with lots of space and the Stables restaurant is always great.


Well we are “skepping n president” here, so we have to make a plan.

Vergelegen, been there done that recently for some Valie guests.

Very nice commercialized venue.

“Closer to nature, feel the cape atmosphere, drink the wine” most definitely a big consideration.

Having said that … all will drive anywhere, consider where most come from.

We have some “closer to nature, feel the cape atmosphere” farms in Durbanville too.

Durbanville hills does not fit my bill … NEEDS vs WANTS vs Commercialized BIG CREDIT CARD food platters.

Lekker kuier plek, lekker pryse, geen cops … dis wat ons soek.

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