Wayyy off topic - shingles

yip - if there is no noise nobody complains - a non event - like the old philosophy question re the tree falling in a wood… if there is no observer did it really happen?

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I understand your view.

I don’t care when things work. We expect that, pay for that.
WHEN that client’s bliss is disturbed by IT-related stuff …
WHEN we get sick …
WHEN that Hilux breaks. Isuzu’s (Suzy’s) don’t BTW. They just need some maintenance every 20-25 years. :innocent:
The only question I then have: Do you have the answer?

So when Doc’s analyze the problems, with data staring them in the face of healthy people now coming to see them, people that are a decade or more away from those “problems”, one should at least listen to them.

Gabriel’s plight and advice is filed … for IF I get it too.

Ps. That tree fell. Finish en klaar.

Statistically, there is no significant uptick in this. That is what I am warning against. Humans are amazingly good at convincing themselves. You should read about the Benveniste affair, just how much effort it took to completely rule out unintentional bias.

Human beings are truly scary.

Jip, aware of that problem.

There are a LOT of things today that people tell each other as facts, including people dealing with human health, are taught that.

One by one some of these “truths” are being re-investigated. the results that have “stood the test of time”, were flawed.

The hardest trick is to find those gems of truth … then make sure it applies to you/yours.

One size does not fit us all.

It is like you have a quirky IT issue. So you Google. You spend the morning and all you get are these opinions, “facts”, the vitriol, and the “fights” on the exact same question you are googling.

The next moment this oneliner post "Do this … " strikes your eye … you try it. And it works.

… hence the un-truth; i call it that for ‘lying’ has an unpleasant ring about it [although if analysed, that is exactly what it is, untested information, i.e. big bang], not pc. the vast majority have their own interests at heart [academia has made this an art-form], hence whatever they say in some ways benefits themselves, whether bragging or complaining - this is where witnessing comes in - having experienced it 1st hand and sharing NOT for self interest; ask any reputable judge or presiding officer in court. thence also the popularity of social media which acts as a cloak/mask where accountability drops to minus zero and the disciplining control and sanctions are negligible… look at Farcebook ‘friends’ for one. forums like this are the exceptions for lying here is brutally exposed - maybe not always, but mostly! :upside_down_face:

Lying implies malice. It means I know what the truth is, but deliberately tell you something else, mostly because I place my interests above yours.

This is more subtle. Sometimes we could argue that people ought to know better, but even then quite often they don’t. Even when they do, in a moment of stupidity even your own interests are not always served. Take for example the story of Jacob Humphreys, who was initially convicted of murder (by Dolus Eventualis), reduced to manslaughter on appeal, because in his selfishness he disregarded even his own best interests.

In any case, I do think the most important thing is to be honest and open, and in that respect, I do think that not all of the negative reports on our favourite vaccines were false. There are two errors we can make here, the one is to completely dismiss the negative report (and the people behind them), the other is to pretend the problems are obvious and pervasive. Over 3 billion people took that medicine, we’re seeing exactly what would be expected.

you are right - for many people died with lungs on fire and a lot of nurses and drs who are NOT on social or any other media can attest to real suffering and death - but theirs are not ‘sensation’ and ‘conspiracy’ data for there are very strictly enforced penalties for exposing patient names and particulars… and survivors - if they have energy left to contest the truth mostly fart against the thunder of big capital interests or conspiratorial sensationalism… my fart(h)ing :laughing:

the dutch sometimes have an interesting spin on life…

Now that you’re talking of cows and what they do in the veld. There is this old story of a little bird who was freezing in the cold, when a cow walked by and defecated on the bird. The cow dung was nice and warm, and in short time the little bird was warmed all over and even beginning to tweet a little. A bird of prey heard the tweeting, and plucked the little bird out of the cow dung.

The moral of the story? Not everyone who gets you into sh*t is your enemy. Not everyone who gets you out of the sh*t is your friend. But mostly, if you find yourself in such a position, shut up!

does that make darkness our friend? :see_no_evil:

… let’s heed the words of the prophets!

Not everyone who gets you into sht is your enemy. Not everyone who gets you out of the sht is your friend. But mostly, if you find yourself in such a position, your best friend will sit right next to you in the same sh*t.

There, I fixed it.
Write it down.

Ditto. Some of the good ones were ostracized when they warned everyone. Some even lost their licenses. Some were batsh*t crazy. Old news.

No idea where I alluded to that.

The “thing” I’m saying is the fact that some of the “issues” were not openly communicated, some of it came out during the initial trials it now seems. For SOME it took up to 2 years to surface, and age groups that are not supposed to have been affected, are showing increased risk factors.

We do not have that data in the public domain. Many astute doctors with thousands of patients do. They are keeping records and are reporting their findings. Ranges from hearing loss, strokes, heart attacks, and blood clots, a list of things astute Drs are now taking cognizance of. As well as what treatment works.

And then there is the other thing simmering. They have very little data, if any, of where it can turn. Especially with the little tiny ones born at the time, and thereafter.

Time will tell what the consequences are, if any.

With this international “trial” that took place in the middle of an outbreak, the possibilities for future targeted mRNA treatments have absolutely astounding potential. Need to keep cognizance of this fact.

Leaps in medicine do come at a cost … as long as it is not you, or your beloved family members.

I’m just ticked off that we were not told the full potential risks, risks that some of the Co’s knew about. Dr’s warned about it at the time. Some where silenced. Court cases starting will sort that out.

As per the shingles heads-up, if anyone reads this:
Hope they will ask their Dr detailed questions.
Go for a checkup if your Doc is up to date on the latest info Docs seems to have.
Learn about the new risk profile.

Lost family members because of the disease.
And we all had the vaccine. Very few not. I had Covid too. Few of the family members too.
So I got the T-Shirts, as many others do.

Enough of this now. :wink:
Speak to your trusted informed Dr.

The biggest issue with those factors, is every single one of them are also known side effects of covid itself, and often several orders more so.

During the pandemic, there were quite a few cases of people getting vaccinated after they had already contracted the virus itself (incubation period of at 8 days to two weeks). That makes it really really hard to determine what the baseline is that you are supposed to measure against, because the baseline is NOT pre-covid. Personally I am not convinced that the vaccine could be anywhere near as harmful as the virus itself, mostly because it has the same “ingredients” so to speak.

Long-covid, lasting effects of the virus, is an actual thing though. That is the baseline. Against that baseline, a tiny percentage of long term vaccine effects should be expected, which to my mind is precisely what we are seeing. The thing is (and I sort of alluded to that with the trolley joke earlier), is we really are killing less people by pulling a lever, but in the process we gain agency, and I think THAT is probably the problem. Covid kills you… no harm no fowl, excrement happens. The medicine kills you (even if the same entity is causally prior to the medicine), and the responsibility is now that of a human. One we can be angry with.

Absolutely. This article was published January 2018, almost two years before the tropical fruit hit the rotating impeller. It remains an absolutely amazing technology. For myself, the best part of it, is we don’t need massive amounts of human cell lining to grow viruses to use as vectors, a process which has always had a bit of an ethical underbelly.

Not quite. What got MY attention, not everything gets it by the way, the Docs I’m referring to, not only had pre-COVID data, but by continuing their practice of keeping patient data, they subsequently had post-Covid data in their practices!

Patients that have been with them for years and years.
Ps. Our Doc has files on me, my wife, and kids going back 10+ years.

THAT is how they could compare, and see the change in “demographics” ito who now may face new risk factors, and how to mitigate those risks. It is NOT on the WWW. As I said, they ARE reporting their findings to the authorities in charge of that type of data.

And yes, they ask their patients for their vaccine certificates, and whether they had the disease,or not.

It is an actual thing, just like long-Covid is. Interesting and at times, even disconcerting patterns are emerging since “vaccine day” combined with people having had Covid, no vaccine, and those who got Covid and had the vaccine, and which vaccine, and how many shots of it, boosters or not.

Some Drs actually reported they got new patients with symptoms that were ±10 years “ahead” of their age group.

I say again. Speak to your Dr if they are up to date with the latest Covid consequence info.

ours has left for Wuhan for his post-doc, he will answer all our questions… its been nearly four years now… :upside_down_face:

What I mean by baseline, is this. You have three ways this can pan out for any person.

  1. Person is never exposed, never gets the virus, and is also not vaccinated. This is the case prior to 2020.
  2. Person had first exposure by getting infected with the virus.
  3. Person had first exposure (to a part of the virus) by being vaccinated.

When people say: Suddenly healthy people have more heart problems, athletes drop dead on the track, etc etc, they are using option 1 as baseline. I am saying that doesn’t work. Once the virus was out, we all had a choice between 2 and 3, and a ticking clock to rush us into a decision.

In a post-covid world, we don’t know what the baseline is. Athletes have always collapsed (in some small numbers) on the track, because they do work their hearts and lungs very hard! Are the collapsing more often now, or are we just noticing more? And if we conclude that there is a statistically relevant increase, can we really conclude that this is because they had the vaccine? Or is it equally likely that exposure to the virus, which just about everyone has now had, could also cause that uptick?

That is what I mean. We don’t have the data. We will never have the data.

Athletes and other prominent celebrities. I’ve seen bits and bobs about that and thought … yeah ok fine. Any proof? Medical proof? Any substantiated facts whatsoever bar newspapers, WWW? Nope, so it is “he said, she said”.

So we agree on that factoid, or whatever it is called, “fake news”.

My posts above have nothing whatsoever to do with athletes and what is published or on the WWW.

The key for you was … speak to your Dr.

Honestly… I’ve heard doctors that sound pretty close to you, insinuating that “where there is smoke, rather don’t go there”. Which is just now how we do these things. Also has to be pointed out that generally, people pick a doctor they like (who says the things that sounds good to them). But, with all that said, they remain by far the best option to get a personalised (for your circumstances) diagnosis from, and therefore I will agree: By far your best option.


Let me tell you a story.
Was at our general “go to” Doc for another reason, so I thought to ask the Doc about a thing I’m wondering about.
Doc says: Stop taking so much salt. And I can prescribe these “ontwaterings” pills.
Me like: Ok Doc, I will get back to you. Bye.

Now understand, one Doc does NOT know every single thing in detail. GENERAL practitioners.

So I had to go to the 2nd Doc for other stuff.
He always says: Go for these blood tests. Then make the appointment.
As I sit down a few days later, he says: This is wrong, that requires attention and how much fluids and salt do you take?
I answer him.
He replies: No wonder. Your potassium levels are WAY too low and your kidneys are under strain. Drink more water, mix some pink salt and potassium into it. About a teaspoon per day.
Problem sorted.

I pick Docs on their expertise. A Doc is not there to make me “feel emotionally better”. I expect them to give me the 3rd degree, tell me what the F I did wrong now(!) … and give me a kick on the way out sometimes.

just pop them in the morning… sleepwalking can be a dangerous activity

… many an army base has the dictum, if your urine is yellow in the morning you’re either ill or dehydrated - problem solved; lactating mothers should drink 3l of water [excluding the coffee, tea or coke] during the day - water is life and we are ever so lazy…

I now learned that, depending on the weather, I need a minimum of 3-5l of water per day, with salt, excluding coffee tea (no sugar). I use a 1l beer mug.

Or I have “issues”.

Good thing I learned a long time back to identify which Dr is best for what ailment.
And to shop around. Dr’s Dentists are business people.

Coke, not a CHANCE! Who the dang drinks that for thirst?
And pregnant mothers, NOOOO! :astonished: