Victron and HA, determine power in vs power out of battery

guys… this internal Node Red exposed values, anyone aware if it provides kW / day and or week and or month values.
for say, inverter, grid, solar and batteries.

I’m also keen to get some help here. Node Red Flow to allow me to populate the Input and Output from the Battery Bank (Pylontech doesn’t supply the history value).

I have “sensor.victron_system_battery” but can’t seem to get the splitting of input and output correct to populate the HA sensor values for the HA Energy Dashboard (using Node Red)

Do you mean kWh ? Energy values are not available on dbus, and hence also not on modbus, because they are calculated every 15 minutes (from the raw counters) and VRM actually does the final tallying.

You can implement your own counters by doing the math with the individual energy counters in the system.

Pylontech doesn’t implement energy counting on their batteries, so you will have to estimate it from other sources: Usually by working out the difference between what your MPPTs report, and what the Multi reports.

This sensor gives you power into (pos value) and out of (neg value) but the trick is to split them and then send them to sensors for HA eDashboard to use…

I am here but the values don’t work well in the dash yet…

That’s where I am struggling. Using Node Red at the moment as I couldn’t get integrations working… :wink:

My Victron integration provides:


Just to be clear. The values you see on VRM (battery to loads, PV to loads, PV to batteries, etc), those values are not on modbus/dbus.

For any device that has energy counters, that is available. For example, on a grid meter on register 2603-2608. On a pvinverter on 1030, 1034, 1038. On the Multi, 74 to 92. On a battery, registers 301 and 302 (but only if the monitor implements it, a BMV does, a Pylontech does not).

Ja. My challenge awaits :wink:

different spin…
Izak, these longer term kw/h values… they mos available on VRM? so we could always show some values as real time available from the modbus which are very dynamic and pull some of the longer energy based values via a node red call with the vrm module installed ?


Correct, you can get them from VRM. I just wanted to be clear about what IS available :slight_smile:

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