Vertical wind turbine

This looks like something interesting to try in Cape Town.

Low height means no planning permissions? <1m in terms of roof structures are not a problem.

Anyobody played with something like this?

There are some of this one’s bigger cousins installed in the Clock Tower area (between Radisson Red and PWC) in the V&A Waterfront.


EDIT after some research some conclusions by me:

This, and last years, winter … bugger me.

“Feels like” Cpt is getting more cloudy and windy … so If there is some change happening, lets just find out some more info for now.

Emailed them for cost indication.


Very low yield at very high speed…

… because it is quite small. :slight_smile:
Can put it easily “out of the way”.

The bigger ones more “in your face” …

So yeah, me like “pick one” that makes the most sense, with expert advice, methinks.

Waiting for a price indication cause liewe moses, ANOTHER day of wind and clouds.

The 5.2kw array is “stuck”, AGAIN!

Pondering on (NEED/WANT/HOBBY thing) with focus on winter cloudy months, even summer clouds now, and evenings.

Like the 48v battery, my next question would be to them: I’m running 18 cell bank … can you accommodate that? :rofl:

You guys in CT have had it bad this year…

We have been clear and dry BUT the wind… Hectic.

I’m looking at the smaller marina one. The height is only 1m. So may be under the radar on a roof.


It’s heavy though. 87kg! Suspect it’s expensive based on the weight. The vertical ones are also quiet. In a dense urban area you can’t have a noisy turbine.

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I think the off peak cost per kWh is still cheaper in the long run. Genny or turbine to expensive. Lots of moving parts.

300kw per annum * R2 per kW = R6000 per annum. Best case saving before hardware etc.

Cape Town is a tad more expensive. At the top end it’s 4.75/kWh, that makes about R1400 per annum. If you want that back in about 5 years, then you’re talking a R7k cost of installation, or 350 Euro. Somehow I don’t think it will be that cheap :slight_smile:

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Some of the small vertical units can be found on AliExpress for about R6k or less.

Since I like my toys, and also, paying a premium for clean energy is something I am not totally averse to, I’d pay twice that for something decent. I’m just not always sure how good the stuff is you get from AliExpress.

A quick edit of the 6000 to 600 :wink:

I’m kind of the same but not rushing. Just exploring what is available.

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Aliexpress wind turbines are quite notorious for not coming close to claimed specs. IMO you are better off hoisting a flag.


Yeah one would need to find the manufacturer that’s producing reliable units. If any.

Here is another one:

Looks pretty tidy:

Like the Excel 95 power chart :slight_smile:


Quiet too (don’t like the wobble though!)

Just to prove Cpt weather is killing me … sun came out, gone again …
From 5.2kw array …

Got a quote for frames for 3kw more … R11k
Panels also wot, ±R11k?
Plus install.

At a price range of ±R7 ballpark for 500w when the wind blows, low profile, silent, that can connect to my batteries/system, NRS certified, I could be tempted to think harder on this … will see.

Yeah, so here are the costs … and the calculations.
ESA Wind turbines (Aug24).pdf (829.3 KB)

Hurakan 8.0 - R 648 339,26
Helix 3.0 - R 350 049,77
Helix 1.0 - R 313 092,57
Marina 0.5 - R 59 000,00

This guy’s videos (heavy accent and all) seems good. He speaks about small home based systems in the video below.

Seems vertical is not the way. In his video he speaks about how they are often oversold on output.

That price is crazy!

Check this on 4x4 forum: