I had a Microcare pop on me as well. It is unclear exactly how it happened. It was working fine, but the flash on the PIC Microcontroller was worn out (which is something that happened to the early models). So I heard that they will replace it free of charge, I just had to ship them the unit. Which I did.
After hearing nothing for two weeks, I called them up. Turns out, just putting your name and number on the box, and assuming they will try and correlate it with recent communication, is not enough. You need to put a letter inside the box explaining what’s up with it. So they put it on the bench, and found nothing wrong (because that issue takes a few hours to show up). Eventually managed to get PIC replaced, and unit shipped back.
Mounted unit. Plugged back in. Noticed something is not quite lekker with it. Not sure if it popped immediately after I plugged it in, or perhaps was damaged somewhere along the trip. Decided to do what I wanted to from the beginning: Buy a Victron MPPT instead.
Decided to open the Microcare and see what happened. Not a bad design. A tad old-school (async buck converter), and clearly an older design that was updated over time (judging by spaces on the board that appears to have been for older linear regulators, but now held a SMPS). Should have been rock solid, except the transformer that is used to create a 15V isolated above the battery voltage (to switch the N-type MOSFET on the high side) was burnt up.
Tried to rewire it, without much success. Applied an external 15V supply to it, and proved that it still worked. Bought an isolated DC/DC converter chip from RS components and fitted it. Unit now worked, but only up to 200W. Above 200W it would reset itself.
Suspected something to do with the fan. Unplugged it, no change.
Still think it might have something to do with a damaged power supply chip somewhere. Didn’t have a storage scope back then to properly debug it. Chucked it in the parts bin.
Still have it. Haven’t had the itch to try looking into it again.
Still, was disappointed. I think it lasted maybe 3 years.