System struck by Lightning

The driver does not yet support Tian Power BMS.

There is a ticket open to add it and someone in Gauteng willing to help with a test unit, etc. From the call I had with them they have similar issues with many clients that use the Revov Battery. It seems that the Tian BMS does not correctly balance all the cells. I suspect that the BMS cannot balance fast enough with full current input.

@HennieJH, I suggest you lower your Bulk/Absorption voltage setting to 54.2V (3.39V per cell) and run it for a few days. If you still get issues then drop that to 54V(3.375V per cell). It should give the BMS chance to balance the cells without one going into overvoltage.
The other option is to buy the ANT BMS that PJJ wants to sell and swop it for the Tian Power (only if not still under Revov warrantee).