I own a house that is about 20 years old and have done quite a few renovations to the house and have had at least 3 electricians complete work on the original and renovated sections. Majority of the renovations are on 2 separate buildings from the original building.
If I look at the original external DB and main internal DB in the original building I see the main CBs on these two DBs only controls the live. In which case the neutral coming into the house is directly connected to ESKOM. All the other main CB on 3 other DB are double poled / control the live and the neutral.
I’m puzzled as to why the old main CB have not been changed. We have had a situation where Eskom switched the neutral and the live and were told that it was the cause to the damage of 2 electric gate motors (pc boards and power supplies).
Three questions:
- Is this single pole main CB a good idea or should it be changed to a double poled Main CB… (N & L)?
- Could a doubled poled CB have eliminated or gate motors being blown when Eskom switched the L & N?
- Will a double pole main CB eliminate our EL tripping during lightning storms? Or does anyone have an idea why this might happen?