Logging on to SEMS (V3.6.9) today I was given the option to install SEMS+ (i did) which appears to be an improvement on SEMS, however the “installer option” that I had in SEMS (near the Inverter heading at the bottom of the app) has disappeard (might have disappeared some time ago), I primarily used it to change Depth of discharge and also a couple of times to change Mode. If I recall this allowed you to make changes remotely. I’ve not used in for nearly a year.
It now looks that I would have to use SOLARGO to make the changes which need access to the inverter’s WiFi (solarwifi), that often is a challenge and also needs you to be near the inverter.
As normal there is no manual, so perhaps I’m missing something. I’m especially keen on the “installer option” using WiFi.
If a SEMS user can confirm my observations it would be helpful…