Hi all.
Need to check some wiring…
I’ve gotten hold of a USB /TFDi / RJ11 cable.
I need to put together a RJ11 → RJ45 adapter.
I got the bits. just need to check which pins on RJ11 goes which pins on RJ45.
I got a RJ45 I can either crimp onto a 4 core cable coming out on the right… or I can Cat5 and crimp some wires into a RJ45 and screw into the connectors. got ways and means, just need to clarify in my head the RJ11 → rj45 pin matchessss
My logic looking at the attached.
RJ11 pin 4 → Gnd → RJ45(pin 8)
RJ11 pin 3 → Tx → RJ45(pin6)
RJ11 pin 2 → Rx → RJ45(pin 3)
if someone can check please.