"Overload L1: Alarm" as load shedding hit

I have the same issue on 2 other sites with the same units that i cant sort. I have contacted Victron and they told me about some software I can use that fix that. I guess its firmware but could not find any more details on what needs to happen. I am seeing them in a few days, hope to return with the correct answer.


Soooo… last night this happened to me too. Overload as Load-shedding hit. Compounded by the Multi then going into “low battery” and not coming back on its own. But I was on firmware 476. So this morning I updated to 500 (which traditionally takes lots of swearing at the VE.Bus BMS I have)… and now we will see.

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Oh no.
I am running latest firmware. Still happening to me as well.
Installer is yet to come install my Tripconnect over under voltage protection relay and change grid code and AC input low setting to 210V.
Hopefully that will sort this Overload warning for me.
I really hope the firmware update will sort you out.

Can I change the grid code for you. I can do it remotely. Just ask his permission please and let me know.

@JacoDeJongh l’ll pm you

Tripconnect over under voltage protection relay installed, grid code changed, AC in low changed to 210V
Still getting overload on L1 warning :see_no_evil:
No idea what to try next…

I stopped getting l1 overload after upgrading the multi ii to 497…

I’m not that lucky :grin:

I’m joining this thread now … also getting a small(?) overload when LS starts. The inverter carries on though.

All firmware is the latest bar the inverter which is on 497. No need to go to 500.

Started on the 9th of Dec 2022 it seems. Venus OS updates were done though. RC version.

Only noticed it because of the new Push Notification enabled, email, phone, and PC now notifying me. At first I thought it was users, then I ignored it, it works, so why bother?

O bugger … there goes that plan to eliminate Eskom first.

I don’t think we can all have the same problem using the same product range unless it is a “bug” in the software or another issue on the hardware … I don’t know. :man_shrugging:

My problem also went away after upgrading firmware (to 500 in my case, which was the latest).

@Peyper , your problem needs to be escalated via your installer to a higher level of support. That is the proper channel to follow. If your installer has left you in the lurch, then sometimes it helps to report it on the community site, but it needs to get via all the levels (level1 = your installer, level2 = your reseller, level3 = an engineer at Victron) otherwise people get in trouble for jumping the queue :slight_smile: