Hi All,
Since 2021 we have met a few interesting people with interesting products that can help us in optimizing the production of our Solar systems. A while back I created a Marketplace section to accommodate all the guys that we gave permission to sell their products/services on the forum.
We still feel strong that we should allow said people/company’s/brands to advertise on our forum for free. We dont want to make a cent out of it, but allowing them might help the members to get into contact with said company’s directly.
Members got confused with the Marketplace and Classifieds sections and a lot of private sales landed up in the Marketplace. I will now create a section for every company/individual that have asked, or people we have asked to advertise on our forum. Only the company will be able to make new posts, the members will however be able to ask questions and make comments through the normal reply platform.
I have made contact with a very special company today and the owner truly shares our passion for Solar and ways to optimize our systems. Check the sidebar for more info. I will modify the sidebar to show the company’s that offer products we can truly use.
If any other member feel that he has a product that can help the community, you are more than welcome to come into contact with myself, @plonkster, @mmaritz or @Louisvdw to ask for permission to advertise.
The only reason for doing this is that we dont want people to come advertise sub standard products that does not comply to local laws and regulations here. We are all serious about doing things right and wont allow the cheap and nasty’s to be sold here.