I hope someone can fix the dark mode

To my surprise, this site came up dark today, maybe yesterday, can’t remember. But it annoys me, that it is what I can only describe as, half work, half done. And it looks a bit bad.

Top of the page:

When you scroll down:

Hi, I am busy with changes. And took a little break this afternoon. When I am done you should be able to choose between Dark and light themes in the sidebar to the left. Sorry I havent been doing any maintenance to the forum in over a year and started last night till about 2 in the morning and some more today.

Okay, at the bottom left of your Sidebar, you can now choose between different layout options as a user. This will allow you to chose something you like.

Mint as well as the Material themes both have a search banner. The one mint uses looks a bit big in my opinion. What do you guys feel. Should we have a search function that big or are you guys happy with our little search next to your name?

EDIT: Just to clarify something. The platform we use for the forum is an open source platform with a lot of community development. The themes we use and import comes from the community and has been made available for use. Within each theme there is plugins that I can activate or de-activate. My knowledge of HTML is basically non existent and I can not really make major changes to how the site looks. I have to work with layouts from other developers.

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I am trying to open up options for the members of the forum, to me the white looks a bit bad and i prefer a dark theme. Every time I log it, the old layout bugged me. I attempt to give each member an option to change to what he likes and your comment came before I was finished with what I have planned.

In the future before you comment on our halve work while we are still busy, maybe just asked on of the Admins or Moderators. Anyone who logged on today might have seen different layouts and themes as I tried different configs.

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While we are asking questions about the site and the layout. Does anyone use the “Back to top” arrow at the bottom far left? The plugin clashes with some others and that button is overlapping the selection of themes a bit. I will try and move it, or if not used, remove it.

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I never noticed it, I would have more expected it at the bottom of the slider on the right.


What is the name of this platform? Just as education for the members here. And maybe the plugins that are in use.

I guess this should basically tell the story.

My Personal Favourite: Alien-night -. Nice big font and a lot of other benefits for me and my eyesight. I have light sensitive eyes and working on a light themed screen for too long gives me terrible headaches. After a few hours my children asks me why I am crying. I tear up so bad that I can’t see the screen and need to go sleep. Reason why I had the site on Dark mode while i sorted everything out. Took some time to figure out how to let the members choose their own Themes. Any suggestions for changing existing themes can be placed here. Each theme has limited options that can be changed and will attempt to accomodate all request.

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Dark theme has always been here for anyone looking for it:

I wanted to ensure that it is available to everybody from the Home Page directly. Not from Settings or preferences or any other place. I have set up Graceful as a Default and made the others Themes available from a sidebar that is now available from all the Themes. Just easier to change to your personal preference without having to look for the option. Once i am done will all the changes i will make a post about different options available for the members. I also want to create a ghost account as a normal member to see what all of you see. I guess my profile as admin looks a bit different than yours.

That is exactly what I did? Not sure why you getting on your high horse.

This is the feedback section, and also, I looked for an announcement or notice that the maintenance is busy, there was nothing that I could find, so this section seemed like the best place for it.

Thank you for adding more options. The alien night theme seems more complete. The logo still needs to be updated, an inverted one is required for the darker modes.

ps. I also run a community forum, so I understand it happens outside of work hours. I am just used to, finishing things before making it available.

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Great, one thing to remember, like I mentioned above, I am not a developer, i learn as i go. I work with what is available to the best of my ability. There is currently no notification plugin in any of the Themes and I could not find one that seemed to be the correct fit. Still on my list of things to sort. This platform also does not offer anything remotely similar to a CPanel or site builder like we are use to where i can Preview something before releasing it. Everything I do is live. I chose to do this over a weekend with very little traffic and hoped to be able to finish it on Saturday to ensure that I dont offend to many people. Next time i will try to not upset you again, deal?

I am fully aware of what you ask and agree that it would have been a better way, I am just still looking for the tools to do all that. For the first 4 years plus after creating this forum, we did basically nothing to improve the functionality or look of this Forum. I wanted to do it now. Let me rethink my approach before continuing.

I bought this Logo from an online logo creator way back in 2019 or so and downloaded all the files including the inverted but cant seem to find it. I think its on my main PC thats in need of a new power supply currently. Maybe it is time to look at changing that as well and just buy a new one. Maybe i should revisit the comp i ran a year or so back for a new logo or just get a few new designs and have the community vote for the best one to use. That way i will be able to download a new set of files.

Please remove it for a few days and let’s see if there’s noise. Personally think that it is a bit out of place with the rest of the things. Rather someone uses the scrollbar / timeline bar anyway to get to the top.

This is nice! A different look. Though a tad inefficient for space, but I see that same point helps your eyesight

I enjoy a more condensed view… So more on a page!!

maybe one of these can serve as a stopgap

probably better to only invert the greens


Awesome, thanks!

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Looks much better. Thanks for the idea @tinuva and the assistance @Village_Idiot .

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