Hi from Centurion!

hello people!

Was introduced to this forum by a wise soul @Confucius over at Carbonite. So many Victron posts here!


This is definitely the place for predominantly Victron assistance yes.

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Do you know why though? Why is Victron so popular apart from the striking blue colour? Are they engineered better?

I think it’s the modular nature of the systems. Means you buy only the bits that you want, and also that it’s easy to extend.

This boils down to personal opinion.

Victron is better than everything I’ve seen in action in all respects.

My reference framework is limited to Sunsync, Goodwe, Deye and Luxpower though, but I know people with these systems.

From user friendliness, to expansion options, to robustness, functionality, compatibility, after sale service, the Blue Brand does it better.

I will never ever change to another brand. Been running with my system for 4-5 years now. No issues. Just keeps on going.

  • No Nonsense warranty, anywhere you want to go.
  • Buying one secondhand, if there is still warranty left, it still has a warranty as it follows the product, not the invoice.
  • Aftersales service and support consistently top notch.
  • Awesome software, device firmware’s, regularly improved even more.
  • Interconnecting Victron with just about any software you want like NodeRED / HomeAssistance.
  • Products last. Are quite robust if you follow the manufacturers guidance.
  • Can connect any battery / solar panel you want as long as you follow the manufacturers guidance’s.
  • Mix and match to your hearts content within the rules.
  • Upgrade options easy due to modularity of the products.
  • If a part breaks, just send that part in, not the entire system.

It works.

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This is just amazing. Do you know if the warranty is portable across countries?

Probably is assuming the same range/model is sold in that country. :man_shrugging:

@plonkster can shed some more light.

Well, yes, if you can find a dealer willing to help you out. Dealers and installers are important parts of Victron’s distribution network, and are considered level 1 and level 2 support structures. So ideally we want you to send the inverter to the person you bought it from, and he will sort things out for you. If you move to another country, then that becomes a bit harder, but the warranty will be still be honoured.

The reason these inverters are popular is because they are extremely robust, come with a warranty that goes with the device and not the original buyer, free firmware updates and support essentially forever (or until we EOL the product, which also happens at times), the very open nature of the company (community discussion sites, open source software where it makes sense, modbus-tcp, mqtt, node-red, etc etc). And one item that is often forgotten: VRM. No other manufacturer has anything close to what VRM can do.

On the other side of the coin: We make equipment for people who build their own systems, for people who want to customise things. So we are extremely popular in the marine world, and to a lesser extent in the commercial ESS space. Mostly, if you have a place where there is no power at all, where the closest second option is a Diesel generator, Victron should be right at the top of your list.


As an installer I can tell you stories that will make your hair stand up, very few of those will include blue equipment. Where about are you based in Centurion. I am in Lyttleton Manor. Shout if you need any advice on blue. I sort of know a few things about them.


I see some “we” in the text. You’re a Victron distributor/employee?

Alright so I’m sold on the good. It works for me. What’s the bad? Are there other brands that come close? Let’s exclude price i.e. you get what you pay for in blue’s case clearly.

The only brand that comes close “name withheld to keep my friends in my friend list” is not really that close. My failure rate in over 400 blue installs is 1.7%. My failure rate in 60 “name withheld” installs is 19% and turnaround time on any repairs for them.is between 2 and 7 months. I can give you the name in a private message if you promise not to tell my friends.

Note: it is luck of the draw with “name withheld”. You might be lucky and get a unit that last 5 years or one that stars giving issues within 3 months.

If that other brand (would bet I know the brand) takes 2-7 months, what is the turnaround time for Victron?

Seldom more than 6 days. Exstream cases 2 weeks, unless you bought from Segen. They can drag it out to a few months. Or use to. I stopped buying blue from them about 3 years back because of their service.

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Understand this: I ALLWAYS look for the negative, the why not, the what can go wrong with anything and everything I do.

Some say I am a negative oke. They are wrong.

By looking at what can go wrong I can “curb my enthusiasm” and by having a plan a, b, c … (to z if I have to), I can mitigate the potential problem, ensuring success, rather than being negative.

… and o boy have I done some pretty epic silly stuff over the years.

So with Victron … let me think … nope, nothing.
I make plans to protect myself against myself. :rofl:

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It’s the way to go. You don’t build a Medupi assuming everything will go well (as Eskom did :rofl:).

All Japanese are pessimists for earthquake proofing their buildings if that’s the reasoning to go by :rofl:

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That one. I’m not on the sales side. On this forum I’m just an enthusiast… but we do like helping people out :slight_smile: