Geyserwise Online - Remote Control?

Hello @RegStraton
Assuming that you work for GeyserWala. What does this do over the standard Geyserwise Connected that got Tuya?

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Can it connect to any Geyserwise model? Asking because the new Geyserwise display unit can only connect to certain TSE units, which resulted in me having to remove one.

Anything that doesn’t need the Tuya ecosystem of keys and stuff wins in my opinion. A quick perusal of the github page suggests this has a local API.

I know there is localtuya, but I still hate it with every fibre of my being (being dependent on someone else’s framework… which might not be there tomorrow).

OK, I didnt get a chance to read the deets, but local API is a big win.
Just create a thermostat in HA and go.

Learned my lesson the hard way with my fibre going offline and the “local lan” stuff just showing unavailable. Luckily this was Ewelink so I reflashed with Tasmota and have not thought about it since. It simply works.

These days with tailscale, any switch is a local switch on your phone. The cloud is simply another thing in the chain that can fail

Just managed to get my Geyserwise Tuya talking to my OpenHab install. Still some things to sort out (i.e. controls don’t work yet) but almost done.

And the controls:

All are polled locally and will be locally controlled also, so should work without internet, though one needs to connect the device to the Tuya platform once to set it all up.

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The Geyserwala Connect has shown compatibility with the MAX, Delta-T and TSE1 models we’ve tested against. Should we encounter a model with an incompatibility, we should be able to roll out an update to correct that.

Feel free to have a play with our app demo: Geyserwala
which is both available on local network and internet (if you choose to link with cloud)

The device was build with hobbyists and self-host’ers in mind so it is not reliant on cloud services and can be installed as a component in a self hosted home automation setup. Direct MQTT and JSON REST integration is possible.

For more information see: Thingwala : Geyserwala Connect

Update: The Geyserwala Connect is now compatible with the MAX, Delta T, TSE1 and TSE.