Asked my favorite sparkie re. the 16a potential free contact. He said it is fine if the element is 2kw max.
50l geyser is 2kw. Victron display says so, checked switching the geyser on/off.
And I know the other geysers are 2kw, had their elements replaced to fit the solar system.
Sparkie is quite pedantic and keeps me in line when I have some hair-brained scheme. He refuses to budge on any regulations. And, he sees into the future.
Like me, naaa, no babies in this house ever, all our friends have big kids, don’t worry.
Him, nope, not doing that, not baby safe.
… there is a baby in the house now.
BUT, I do listen to all opinions/advice/experiences, and I do agree, more protections are always better.
BUT, I also look at risk mitigation vs increased risk due to more complexity/parts like when things get so intricate, that it becomes a risk if one is not around to explain.
And yes, there is the code for all installations, but dangit, we do complicate things quite fast with solar supply and whatnot.
Carefully I’m pondering on all the options, then to get it past the sparkie to install.
If it was not for the potential free contact, I would not have even considered it.
On top of that, @Gman has dunnit already, he is as pedantic.
And I have already had sparks on my desk, again, when, due to light, eyes not so sharp anymore, I missed a teeny strand of wire when I connected the Shelly to 220v AC … it still works … and I’m fine.