Eskom ... is there ANY chance? In CPT there is


The ANC has turned South Africa into a Nation in Disaster › 2023/02 › the-anc-has-turned-s…
](The ANC has turned South Africa into a Nation in Disaster)

15 Feb 2023 — In Tshwane, we inherited a 16-year legacy of disastrous ANC governance, where the likes of Sputla were using the City as an ATM


We be careful what we wish for… Who know who the corrupt politicians are responsible for the looting and destruction of Eskom?

The ratepayers of Tshwane are about to take a R7 million hit on the mayoral mansion.

The market value of the property is estimated at R5 million, but the house was renovated at a staggering cost of R12 million under the watch of former mayor Kgosientso “Sputla” Ramokgopa.

The city is to table a motion tomorrow during its monthly council meeting to approve the sale of the mayoral mansion, also dubbed the “house of corruption”. If this motion is approved, the house will be sold on auction soon.


Our new minister of Electricity :neutral_face:

We know the characters in the play right now. Old “respected” (by ANC cadres/comrades) powerful characters. Stranglehold if you want.

So Cyril has made a move … now all that is left … right decision or it all come down on his head.

The graph is telling.

I think it oversimplifies it. We all know this is a system with a feedback loop of which the shortest components is at least 18 months long.

Again, car analogy time. At first, things get worse slowly. Oil is leaking, it is smoking a lot, but it is still driving. Then one day it throws a rod… and we blame the guy was driving that day.

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Andre & Daily Maverick? :wink:


I don’t usually like sharing tired meme-like jokes, but I genuinely enjoyed this:

Load Shedding Stage 5? Must’ve lost another generuyter.

Thank you all, I’m here till Thursday, tip your waitress!

There are some sites on the internet that attempt to create summaries of people, and it is sometimes hilarious to see the jokes misunderstood and taken to be actual facts. This “Celebrity Biography” for example, reports that…

He has a sister named Jenna Ruyter. Little is known about her, but in November 2021, reports surfaced that he had handed over temporary control of Eskom to her, though this was not confirmed.

Maybe they decided to perpetuate the joke, maybe someone uncritically included that section without thinking about what he was writing…

End week 8 2023 EAF and trend


How Ukraine keeps the lights on:
Maybe we can recruit some of these guys (when they’re available) ??

I am old enough to remember the ANC attempting to disrupt the power system with explosives.
Just like in Ukraine, the then ZA power system was resilient.
It is quite ironic, that all they really needed to do was to become management.

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That’s the problem everywhere in the world. When a liberation movement has to switch gears and start governing, it always takes about a generation before they kinda-sorta manage it. It actually makes a heap of sense for the liberators to NOT be the new rulers, but of course that rarely happens anywhere in the world.

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Sadly happening again… Probe underway into Coega substation explosion

I have read and seen a few videos of the Taliban complaining that they are not enjoying the day to day life of running government.
Things are much easier if you are a resistance movement.

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And the same thing can be said of opposition parties. It is much easier to be the guy who points out all the mistakes, then to be the guy who is making them. It is sort-of the same thing, if you think about it.

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You can have 10 000 able qualified and willing Engineers, won’t help. It’s the culture… Wrote enough already about why.


That’s why I sometimes think the only way this is fixed, is by going all the way THROUGH the valley of death. Once there is nothing left to steal, no more political value in protecting those that steal, no more protection from people in power, then the thieves always move on. The job of building something new is then left to others, and at this point you can instill a new culture from the bottom up.

That means it has to go worse before it can go better. Sorry guys…

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Indeed! I’m waiting for the next election. SA had good democratic credentials so let’s see if keeping the lights on is reasonably high on the agenda…

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