Eskom ... is there ANY chance? In CPT there is

IF it is the same guy, he has a certain “panache”, as we saw in that other place. :rofl:
Also, he had moerse “fights” with CoCT way back (2018/2019) when he got his birectional meter installed, to get approval for going live and sending power back, if memory serves.

Why did I post it … cause it is the new “rave” between solar okes on WhatsApp … everyone is sending it to each other.

Me, first priority was reducing my load, 2nd the LS convenience, I did not isntall the system to sell back, as he did. That was, back then, not a consideration at all.

But yes, now that you point it out, the numbers are not tying up … R85k / 24 = Min of R 3 541.66 per month back in cash every month, and Cpt has weather. And yes, it is fairly new, since NERSA okayed it, the cash refund.

EDIT: CoCT has paid out people already, as the beta systems have been out for a while now. Maybe he was in that group, don’t know.

Thanks. I didn’t think that … the books balanced. But he’s making a lot of noise about this for some reason.

I also wondered about some aspects of his installation. I think if it were me, and I did have that sort of system, and I was getting that kind of money back, I’d keep my head firmly below the parapet.

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Yeah, it’s the same guy. He had a certain way with words; I don’t think anybody could make any sense of his drivel. Then when people asked him to clarify and he imploded and deleted his account. He also at one point claimed to be making more than R3000/m from exports before the new scheme using an inverter he made himself. He was also working on a wind generator. I don’t see either of those inventions mentioned in the article, so perhaps it’s slightly more based in reality than his postings.

BTW. It’'s very easy to find his address with the photos in the article and Google maps. I think it’s really weird to have an article like that written about yourself.

Wasn’t he also building his own inverter at the time? You know, sometimes I look at something that is broken on a car… and I’m like… I have no idea what is going on here. Someone else is doing this, or not… not my circus, not my monkeys. I’ma walk away from this. That’s how I felt towards the end of that MPPT-less self-built-inverter endeavour :slight_smile:

It seems the focus is turning to pension funds again to bail out SOE’s. Right after the elections.

I completely forgot about that part. He sure had some… interesting ideas. And there was no way to convince him any other way. He surely was not there for the discussion; only to showcase.

I’m not even against the idea per se, just against the backward way in which it is always done.

Way back with the e-Tolls thing, one of the reasons advanced for tolling was that they also wanted to incentivise people to use more public transport. The issue of course is that public transport was lacking at the time, and continues to be lacking today. Now if they went about it the other way round: First you build the public transport (like Cape Town did), and THEN you start “incentivising” people to use it, that makes sense. If you first “incentivise” the move, and then never give people somewhere to move to… that never works.

Similarly in this case. Turn the SOEs into something I want to invest in. Then watch the money roll in. That works. Go about it the other way, where you first let the money roll in, with the promise of a return on investment later… that is always harder to do, and will only see the money flee.

Agreed 100%

There was actually an alternative available for chunks of the e-tolled route: The Gautrain. And if the original plan were stuck to, by now Gautrain would have been extended a bit east, a bit south, and quite a bit west with a spur line into White City. And Gautrain has a supporting bus network to get you to the stations.

But the first phase of the expansion is only being planned now - a line from Sandton to Cosmo City.

So they missed the bus a bit (oops!).

What there is shows the promise of public transport. Folks in Kempton Park can now go shopping, dining or to movies in Sandton and Rosebank with no worries about traffic or parking.

I was using it to commute pre-lockdown. I was going North in the morning, so against the traffic, so to speak, but the trains coming the other way, so carrying passengers from Pretoria and Centurion, were heavily loaded.

Post lock down they’re not so busy. I guess because of working from home.

We’ll see. It might still deliver on it’s promises.

I did a costing when I first started that job (in Centurion). If my calculations are right then it was very cleverly priced. One person would save money (even if they weren’t paying e-tolls), but two people travelling together would not.

He’s also been posting screen shots of his municipal accounts with his name on them. As I said, I might not want this much publicity. But he certainly seems to be driving it. For some reasons he’s keen to get across a message that you can resell and you can profit by it. Or maybe the message is “look how clever I am.”

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I would even consider sending some battery power back during Peak time if they paid me for it… then do a charge in the early morning at the cheapest tariff.

To be clear, I do understand that sometimes you do things a little bit out of order, or at the same time, and maybe it ends up a bit cart before the horse, but my basic point is that you can usually get people to buy in a lot easier if you first make the product, and then force people to it :slight_smile:

The same thing is technically happening in the transition to electrical vehicles. The point of the transition is to get away from fossil fuels, and the car is just one part of that. Now, to a very great extent, this was also a simultaneous thing, and the car showed up before the grid did, leaving the average consumer puzzled as to how charging that thing from coal-generated electricity is supposedly better.

For TTT…at least MB has the info, albeit crappily written :innocent:

Election Year: I wonder how the Western Cape compares to the other provinces…?

Must say, I agree with “communities must stand together” … THAT is key to this gemors to stop.

Just waiting on the cost of the meter …

If the MBB article is to be believed ( :wink: ) then R6500 is still to much…

Read somewhere today that ±R3000 is what they are hoping for. That makes sense, for me.

The more the meter the more one has to feed back to make it viable … AND how long one can sell back at that price …

Also, what is of interest to me, is the new development of Victron, Release Candidate, of how ESS can feed back.


And this:

Relates to Eskom and Cpt and feeding back… :wink:

You can feed back already using Node Red or HA - Just set number.victron_settings_ess_acpowersetpoint (on my system) to -1000 and then it will feedback 1000w no matter what the SOC is - even from the battery when there is no PV.

There is no ways on this earth I will use HA to control my system.

NodeRED only if on the Vernus/Cerbo, and definitely not for feeding back.

That is for the experts to develop inside the core system.

But thank you in any case … did not know that.

I am in the deep south in Cape Town’s southern suburbs. We have had a couple of occasions recently where EskomsePush doesn’t predict an outage until the following day and then when 8pm arrives we are plunged into darkness. (It’s always the 8pm-10pm slot)
Then when you look at the app suddenly it shows this slot as LS.
Anybody else experiencing this??