Eskom ... is there ANY chance? In CPT there is

To further complicate the foreign investment from international markets …

Janee, this on such a scale, it begs belief.

From article:

“Based only on a walkabout and unsupported by the detailed technical studies that exist, we must now believe that the machines can be fixed and made to last.“

Well yeah💁

Why do stupid people always believe they so clever???

KyknamyekiscleverGroetnis :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :thinking:

“Dunning-Kruger effect, in psychology, a cognitive bias whereby people with limited knowledge or competence in a given intellectual or social domain greatly overestimate their own knowledge or competence in that domain relative to objective criteria or to the performance of their peers or of people in general”

Easier said than done. That transition hasn’t been achieved anywhere without other supporting power generation. (But correct me if I’m mistaken)

Well of course they can. But at what (ongoing) cost? This has always been the issue at hand, De Ruyter even alluded to it in that cursed (for those on the wrong side of it) interview. Of course a coal station’s live can be extended, the thing that needs to be disproven (or not) is the statement that financially it makes more sense to build newer, greener, and cleaner, than to keep the old one running.

I mean seriously. Everyone who has owned a car knows how that works. You get to a point where a new car starts to make more sense, even if it does cost a little extra in the beginning.

There needs to be a plan in place other than fixing existing plants. Yes, keep the plants running but develop your next infrastructure to move on to. RE can’t be a shutdown of the old and start up the new one…
Existing grids have inertia which is lacking in the new offerings.

I guess if you’ve only ever had your local municipality / provincial government / national government department buy you your cars, then you probably do not fall into this group of people?

I mean, Ramakgopa is wearing a R4m watch (2022 Patek Phillippe Nautilus - Money moves! Minister of Electricity wears R4m designer watch (, so he probably doesn’t drive cars until they are that old.

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You have to do both, indeed. But it sounds to me like there is an either/or in the argument which is a little stupid… :slight_smile:

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Our beloved ministers aren’t the only ones falling into this. Take France for example:

Gentleman’s, and Ladies if any, this is on our part, not groupthink but wrong think. All these utterances are to be expected, and to expect them to say anything else, well now that would be unexpected. Not one of these utterances are driven by logic, but our (your’s too) thinking is based on logic.

Logically the pant should have been maintained, it wasn’t. The SAPS and DOJ should have pursued them criminals, they didn’t. Them politicians should have appointed competent people, no way they did. I can go on and on and on, but I won’t, you get the picture.

What am I saying here? The new minister and everything they say should not be a surprise, nor should the outcome be. The narrative rules, save face at any cost, do not loose power for then we will be exposed. Read like that, we can understand what is a happenin.


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Indeed. A lot of what politicians say can be evaluated by asking: Did you expect him to say anything different?

@Sarel.Wagner Can I safely assume that you agree with the May 2000 edition of The Economist : Africa The Hopeless Continent?

Fogettabout politics. Go browse here:

The international IP and Patent organisation. The above link is for Nigeria. Compare patents to population. Then look at us and other nations on the continent, vs say Aus or NZ or EU countries, them small ones… :man_shrugging:t3: :joy:

PS: I do have a patent to my name.

a problem with news outlets having to keep the lights on in the modern era is that headlines that draw clicks and opinion pieces that generally preach to the already contributing congregants have a tendency to leave very little room for factual reports of what was said (time stamped to relevant section)


btw, @ebendl cars and maintenace also came up - same link but t=5058s :wink:


Dammit!!! … I should have patented back in 2010-2012 the feature of switching a inverter back to Eskom at a specific SOC. Emailed every single solar manufacturer at the time with the idea … incl Victron. :man_facepalming:

This was the idea to switch a Phoenix loads back to the grid supply. Bugger!!!

Adding to that. … “someone” was busy last night with a project to find out why a BMS does not stop balancing when discharging. The moment 12 am LS hit, after that “someone” updated it, the BMS decided to not work anymore … something to do, allegedly, with software and programming it. Don’t know who, why, or by whom it was done … that is the “official release”, OK!!!

In anycase … 2 am it was allegedly all back up and running, I went to bed by 3 am.

Checked LS, only at 14h00 today, so left it all on the main DB. Gatvol and all that. BUT … had a queasy feeling … but ignored it.

This morning at 6am … LS hits, the wife is working. Thank snot I have UPS’es in place … for MY protection see.

Checked again at 10ish this morning, LS early only this evening.

The next moment, 2 pm LS hits again, WTF!!! - how did I miss that … went from wot 3, to 4 to 5 and now 6 in ±14 hours … what a miracle impeccable escalation … fastest EVER!

I so don’t want to be in the “new energy Boss’s” shoes today … after all the awesome promises he uttered the last week or two … coupled with all Mantashes utterances … means De Ruyter had it right … o jinne, HKGK.

Shiite like this is going to wreak havoc going forward for them all … just watch.

The Cape Town LS page does say:

I can only imagine that the guy who updates that page… feels the same way you do.

Probably … because for the less affluent people like us, jobs are at risk … more affluent people too.

The ripple effect is immense as I’ve posted here in the past … coupled with how EVERYTHING is just flying higher ito prices, sometimes week on week.

I’m looking for the “silwer randjie” … I can find naught.

The upcoming elections are ± a decade too late as it will take a LONG time to fix AFTER the police have taken care of the criminal elements. That is IF it does not get worse due to instigated riots because of the ANC losing, the takedown of the syndicates.

So yeah, I’m worried.

Milk is R38 for two liters now. I remember a time, not too long ago, when it was R22. Until a few months ago it was R32 at the local spar, and only the weird-looking blue-bottle Clover stuff was over R35.

My sparkie told me the other day, earlier this year, metal DBs, the price went up by the week.

He told me some clients were saying he is ripping them off … while he could not even find stock to start the jobs.

When last did you look at prices for battery cables … geez. I rather use the green 50mm2 I have spare than buy nice red and black looking ones, that bad.