Eskom ... is there ANY chance? In CPT there is

The ANC and EFF are the same party. Good luck to the DA doing any deals with them.
The pair have been pushing the DA out of municipalities all over the country.

Here I have to disagree. Slightly. They have a lot in common. They have a lot of like-minded people. But the ANC is center left, and the EFF is hard-left. The DA themselves, are somewhat left of center, and in terms of policies the DA and the ANC doesn’t differ much.

I think it comes down to that theory and practice thing. In theory (or on paper), the DA and the ANC isn’t very different. In practice they are. The same could be said about the ANC and the EFF. In theory they are wildly different parties, in practice, they often do the same things.

Of course, the easiest way to find out how wrong you are, is to ask an EFF supporter why he won’t vote ANC :wink:

This has been happening for a while and will continue to happen. EFF plateaued a while ago. ANC can’t get its members out to vote. Both need each other to avoid fizzling out.
DA’s biggest issue is that it trying to make everyone happy, which is impossible.

But also unavoidable. You don’t want to lose your present voters, but you somehow have to lure new ones…

But and that is a very big but, the Ideology of those two are almost diametrically opposed re Socialistic vs Capitalistic with a somewhat socialistic slant, not centralist and not controlling everything and no cider deployment, yet. Also no BEE crap.


I would argue that the liberation party has this problem more than the rest.
It’s easy for them to promise the world whilst they are not the government but now they have to make it stick. Not so easy.

That there is a “fight” coming, is a fact.

That a lot will be lost, and gained, towards a maturing SA political scene, is also a fact.

That Eskom will be on the “backburner” whilst the politicians “fight” it out, is also a fact.

We, the people, are going to pay for all that “maturing”, the last fact … for now. :slight_smile:

Note: I like it a lot when I’m wrong. Don’t like it too much when I’m right on such matters.\

The DA does support BEE.

But… let me be clear. I don’t think that BEE is in principle wrong, and it has nothing to do with my own skin colour or trying to garner favour (usually that is said in a much harsher manner involving anal passages). I think it is logically unavoidable. If 80% of the inhabitants of a country looks a certain way, then just doing things fairly and properly will cause economic empowerment within 8 of the 10 people you’re already trying to lift out of poverty.

The problem with BEE was never the B. It was that our government absolutely sucked at the EE part.

In this respect, I think I probably agree with you. The DA probably has an idea how to make this work, because they realise you need all three letters of that acronym.

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What did Sputla say about LS this year … ?

And Last Week …

apparently electricity state of disaster - link and Eskom PFMA exemption on hold -link2

“OUTA’s legal team was just informed that the government decided to withdraw the state of disaster on electricity and revoke the regulations.”

EDIT: added link for PFMA exemption

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IS this the start of even more drama for the Gov!?

List goes on …

Following up on Eskoms LS for the year …

And then there is this …

Indeed. It is very easily explainable. Mr. Mantshantsha, who did this (and was frankly one of the good guys there), has left the company.

But not when they say give this reason …

…and later this…

Anybody confused yet?

Nope, “feels like”:

  1. They did what the ANC does only to then discover some serious public resistance building with serious intentions of court cases.
  2. Also probably some serious infighting behind some “closed doors”.
  3. With more than likely international investors “gooi’ng some serious voermoere” (temper tantrums) on top of it all.
  4. … and then De Ruyter also surfaced again on top of it all it seems.
  5. Last but not least … “they” said they’ve “got this” with LS under the new Minister … and then his “training wheels” were “stolen” whilst visiting all the power stations.

Even Sputla stories are changing to hat De Ruyter echo said …

I just laughed …

Mantashie and Cirril is running the show, the Coal man and the Union man, lipstick on on pig is the new minister…
