Eskom ... is there ANY chance? In CPT there is

1 April 2023 can’t come quickly enough for my nerves. Eskom gets budget for extra diesel, so less risk of instant stage 8+ if someone sneezes just to tie us over until I can get panels up.

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I also don’t think it is that. Remember, there isn’t just one syndicate operating. So there isn’t just one big boss saying “Okay guys, we got rid of the rat, tone it down a bit now!”. Therefore there is no reason, other than increased security and prosecution maybe, that would account for a reduction in criminality, and therefore it is unlikely that this is the reason for the improvement.

What is more likely, is that the ongoing maintenance program the previous CEO introduced has started to yield some results. The media statement basically says it: It’s as a result of a reduction in breakdowns, and units that came back after unplanned breakdowns.

Basically, this is that old car that’s running much better this week because we did a top-end overhaul. The bottom end is however still worn, and we need new CV joints (or something like that).

Now THAT is the part that scares me, as it will be used to maybe call it “We saved SA see, the ANC will rule until kingdom come” (lowercase on purpose).

The other “speculation” regarding the criminal networks, gives me more hope, as the entire thing can then be fixed carefully … and within budget.

I’m 90% sure there are “big bosses” that were told to “tone it down a bit”, we’ve gotten rid of “The Man” threatening our income streams, so HODL a few months till after the elections.

That’s a bit like telling someone not to make any money (or make less money) for 12 months… I don’t really see that happening.

Although, as always, I do try to think if there is a possibility that it could be true, and I can imagine that: If you have a Mafia-type situation, where a more powerful group could indeed tell a less powerful group… listen guys, you’re going to F… this up for us. Stop it, or we’ll send Angelo and Vincent to deal with you…

This just hurts my brain. The lack of thinking, of looking at what really happens and breakdowns that always happens, just shows us how bad things really are. And that is despite the culture being on display in its raw form here. He is one of us, the easy ride, do as we always have, it’s the culture, AGAIN.

As people have been pointing out, the fixers are the same as those that created the problem originally… Linear thinking, ohh we fixing Tutuka now, no consideration for all the bodged repairs, all the wrong repairs, all the theft, all the corrupt staff and contractors and how they will keep on doing what was done in the past. That is to fcuk things up to make money.

Forget that in that time frame, many more units at other stations will break down, and some at Tutuka will as well. Aaaarggghhhhh…

PS: The narrative, always the narrative. The bloody media and lack of journalism will be the death of this country.

remember the soapie DALLAS?
was it not Bobby Ewing who had a ressurection experience and emerged from the shower?

I agree.

This article goes along the same lines … the unpaid part that is.


It is a waiting game … as in waiting to see how bad it can get this year because the plants are being run, again, at +100%(?) of what they currently are capable of.

Cape Town electricity tariff goes up by 17.6% a month from 1 July
Unless you use very little electricity (60 units a month or fewer), your bill goes up substantially from 1 July. Mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis said in his budget speech on 29 March that the City had to absorb the national electricity increase of 18.49% (for municipalities).

The good news is that he has also promised the City will protect residents (and the vital tourism sector) from the first four stages of power cuts over three years.

This is through the rapid expansion of renewable energy production and cutting loose from Eskom by buying from independent power companies.

Joburg may opt for slightly lower electricity price increase than Cape Town
Johannesburg’s electricity tariff is mooted to increase by 14.97%, according to the city’s draft budget documents released this week by the Speaker’s Colleen Makhubele.

It can still go up before July 1 which is when municipal tariffs are increased.

Durban may (or may not) be the city to be in
Durban’s eThekwini council has proposed an electricity tariff increase of 8.61%. Mayor Mxolisi Kaunda has proposed a nuclear power plant that has set hearts thumping, according to our colleague Tony Carnie. Nuclear takes decades to come onstream, so it’s not a short-term solution.

Eskom’s direct clients pay 18.65% more for electricity from 1 April, with municipal tariff increases allowed at a slightly lower 18.49% by the regulator Nersa.

This is just so laughable, they can’t even manage to keep the sewerage system running, how the hell are they going to afford nuclear?

I just had too … :slight_smile:

Then, as we all expected … “so say we all”.


Ja. I thought it was a April fools joke… Sadly not!!!


Now I wonder what that really means. Which means I probably have to read the act.

Section 92 merely says the minister can make exemptions, as long as he publishes it. Section 76 says the minister is in charge of the regulations and instructions for (among others), writing off losses.

Section 55 has to do with the annual report and financial statements. 55(2)(b)(i) is “The annual report and financial statements referred to in subsection (1) (d) must include particulars of any material losses through criminal conduct and any irregular expenditure and fruitless and wasteful expenditure that occurred during the financial year”.

So, what this means is that the minister told Eskom they can publish the report without having to include that number. Possibly because they don’t even know what they are… possibly because it is just too embarrassing… possibly because it would just delay the report too long… most likely a combination of all of the aforementioned.

Bad, yes. But probably not quite as bad as many think. As I see it, they screwed up so badly that unless they get an exemption for this, they would be unable to publish a report at all.

Have to disagree here, sorry. If I recall correctly, SCOPA does all of that, so no it’s not about not knowing or anything like that, they know… We also know that lots of shenanigans goes on at Eskom and at the party.

Now me thinks this is done to avoid public outcry, hiding the true extent to us all. This is the typical way of dealing with theft and corruption, instead of getting to the bottom and firing people. As said earlier, funding an election is expensive, just ask Phala pale about oh say $5Mil…


Spot On!

Jip. I agree too.