Diesel generator repair

I got this generator for free from my brother-in-law:

He says that the engine is still running but it is not generating power. He had it looked at by someone who said it isn’t worthwhile to get it fixed but offered R500 to take it… They didn’t do a good job putting things back together and I am not sure all the parts are there. I found springs laying around inside.

If the engine is still running (I haven’t tested it yet) and the alternator is still OK (which I hope it is) the problem is obviously in whatever is downstream of the alternator which is probably something I can fix myself if I can get a service manual/wiring diagram. This is a Chinese unit of course so it naturally comes in many brands and model numbers but under this brand I can’t find manuals.

I did find this site: https://generatorguru.com/6gf-lde/ that lists many parts for the generator, but they are crazy expensive. I don’t even want to know what shipping will cost, unless they through it on a ship and you have to wait 3 months for the part to arrive.

Can anyone recommend someone on the East Rand who can have a look for me to see if it’d be worthwhile to repair?

You need to talk to ICE guys: https://www.4x4community.co.za/forum/forumdisplay.php/269-Alternative-Energy-Solutions

:+1: Thanks.