Cant get max yield out of PV array on Victron system

@RSMack You need to give us the following VRM graphs to realy be sure what is happening.
System PV yield
Battery SOC
Battery Charge/Discharge limits

You will see as my battery SOC reach 100% (blue) the PV (green) is being throttled(orange) to only supply power to what the system use at that time. Your system can only produce power power if there is something that can use that power (like the battery or appliances/lights)

This might not be the only issue though.

Temp is fine, it indicates 33 degrees

That is the battery temp, we donā€™t know the MPPTs temp - Donā€™t know if thereā€™s a sensor for it.

I donā€™t think so and therefore the internal values for the MPPT in Console are useful. Especially now around middle of the day when the yield should be close to itā€™s max.


You can see what it is doing now with the house load above 5kW


@RSMack Can you go to Remote Console, Select 450/100 MPPT and send a screen grab of this screen pleaseā€¦ If you can :wink:

Just did


Thanks @RSMack - I think you are getting some temperature derating as both MPPTā€™s are running in the same caseā€¦
Suggestion: Put a fan pointing at the base of the MPPT - I do this with a small USB fan and it helps with the derating ā€¦ If it doesnā€™t help then we look elsewhere for the issueā€¦

Just saw this on the MPPT settngs. See current is set to 80A. Is that adequate with 4 x US3000C batteries connected? Each battery has a recommended charge current of 37A.

The BMS controls that. So you can go have a look at the batteryā€™s charge current parameter (in the Pylontech Battery on the GX device, under parameters). My 3xUS3000s are giving me a charge current of 88.8A at the moment (89% SoC).

Iā€™ll try a fan but I am pretty sure its not the issue as the garage is not that hot and the MPPT does not seem to be running hot either. It also has its own cooling fan on this MPPT, its a totally different enclosure to the 250/85

BMS is derating the charge rate.


Thanks @jykenmynie Another setting we rarely consider and adds to the complexity ā€œvariablesā€ We always think of the obvious ā€¦

Sorry my idea of a fan wonā€™t help as they batteries are the issueā€¦

Doesnt look like the BMS is the issue either. Charge current set at 148A


But that shouldnā€™t then be a problem when the house loads high. Then the battery isnā€™t being charged/even discharged. At that point the MPPT should be able to ramp beyond, surely?

Exactly what I thought as well

Agree but I have noticed that the value for Battery isnā€™t actually battery but could also include ā€œfeed back to gridā€ as wellā€¦ so my batteries are full but Iā€™m still limited by the BMS setting even when I want to feed back (for example - hypothetically!)

@plonkster - could this be a bug/issue where ESS/DVCC doesnā€™t distinguish between battery charging limit and other loadsā€¦ ? I am guessing hereā€¦

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