Can AI do this?

I am totally clueless when it comes to AI

I am trying to compose some sort of a guide / manual for future use by electricians or purchasers of my place to use when trying to figure out what is what in my solar installation.

When my panels was recently relocated, I had to redo all the names of the strings, mppts’s, dc breakers, surge protection, fuses etc as a result of how the panels are now located / orientated.

The only thing holding me back (don’t want to climb on the roof unnecessary) is this pic I took.

See my crude numbering of the different strings.

Can AI be given this picture with a request to supplement it to the right by drawing in the cut of parts of strings 4, 5 & 6? (completing the photo basically using what it sees of the other panels)

It’s tricky but you can try the outpainting ability of some of these. That said, they tend to do more of what they want instead of what you want. But what’s the harm in trying. I’m not sure what’s the current easiest way, a while back it was Stable Diffusion, etc. but the answer probably changes every month.

Seeing your image, i would probably just crop around the existing panels to get a piece of them to paste to the right/ahead of 6 (assuming that is where 4 and 5 were). That would get the message without needing to be the original picture.

One further step, I’d just comment saying 4 and 5 were in a line with 6. And not bother with a picture :joy:

Maybe I’ll just try to make the numbers look better than that spray job I did on them. and do what you say.

But even this is a challenge for me. :laughing:

I would do a small drawing or excel sheet:

8 8 7 7
1 1 2 2 3 3
6 6 5 5 4 4

I think it conveys yours point :rofl:

If life immitates art, then assume your PV panels were inspired by Escher :upside_down_face:

I ended up doing this with considerable effort. It will have to do. :rofl:

Will paste this near the inverter and it components and also at the db’s.

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