Apexium stock just arrived!

Good day :smiley:

We have a new shipment that just arrived in Johannesburg at our warehouse in Kempton Park !!

Grade A cells :

EVE 3.2v 105ah cells
EVE 3.2v 230ah cells
EVE 3.2v 280ah cells
EVE 3.2v 304ah cells

Battery Packs

280ah Battery pack plug and play

DIY cases
230ah/280ah/304ah DIY case with Apex 200A BMS

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Please feel if you are interested :grin:
Email : Johnathan@apexiumtech.com
Whatsapp : +86 188 1907 6034

Now THAT driver can park a truck and trailer … it “looks like” he got it right the first reverse.
Not much space in front.
And it was done “blind side” if in SA … damn!

Sorry, no bearing on the thread but dang, some things are just cool.

Are those prices correct? Looks like it costs more to build the DIY kit than buy a complete battery now?

I compare 18 x 280ah cells landed in SA = R 35 517.42 incl all costs excl to my house from Jhb.

That is a ±17kWh bank.

Not bad at all!!!

Plus BMS and case, which is ± R 2 500 and whatever case one likes, or not.

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@TheTerribleTriplet Yeah lol guess the driver knows his thang :laughing:
@justinschoeman there’s a slight difference but yeah the pricing is correct.
Some prefer to buy complete, some like to fiddle lol…

BUMP, slight drop in pricing of our cells, i had to twist my boss arm a little, @justinschoeman i raised your question as well :grin:

So basically x16 230ah + DIY case would be $2155 , x16 cells 280ah + DIY case would be $2235 and x16 cells 304ah + DIY case would be $2315 for those who’s fond of fiddling. We have stock so please shout if interested :smiley:

Bah. This is so frustrating. The prices are excellent, and I would love to play with some new kit. But I really have all the battery I need at the moment.


Hmmm - battery 1 in the Vestwoods bank is not entirely happy - maybe I will have an excuse soon!


Ah bummer! well, you know where to find me :facepunch: