About the MARKETPLACE category

We decided to allow members to advertise their commercial products on the forum.

This service is free and we hope to bring products that we all need in reach of all the members.

There are a few rules though… (to be revised from time to time)

1: Only products relevant to our industry and discussions will be allowed.
2: No advertising of sub standard, uncertified or cloned products will be allowed.
3: Members that wish to advertise on the forum should obtain written permission from the forum admins to do so. The forum admins will evaluate the product range and issue the approval if all is in order.
4: After approval (of all admins), each member will be given his own sub section within the MARKETPLACE. There he is free to advertise, sell, support and answer all questions related to his product range.
5: Other members are free to comment on the components and service they have received from the approve vendors.
6: If a members is unhappy about a product and feels that he wants to puplically mention it, please keep it civilized at all times.



Greetings fellow Members - so good to be in like minded company :star_struck: Have the best day ever and dont read the news :grinning: The BEST news is right on this platform :heart:

A post was merged into an existing topic: List of Scammers