5kw Luxpower Inverter SOC

Hi Guys

I’ve moved house where I previously had a Victron inverter which was so easy to work on and understand, the new house is 3 phase and has 3 x Luxpower 5kw inverters with Hubble batteries, I’ve noticed that the canbus cables are installed with trunking but have all been pulled out and the settings are for lead acid, I’d imagine there must have been some sort of compatibility issue which hopefully I can get resolved at a later stage with someone who knows the Luxpower products well.

Even with this massive setup the guy was still spending R4K per month, I’ve changed the geyser times to rather come on during peak PV production (they were coming on middle of the night and early morning :slight_smile: )

But what I want to do in the meantime until I’ve sorted the settings out is drop the battery SOC from 60% to around 30-40%, its not clear from the interface where to do this and I don’t want to screw things up, could someone perhaps let me know where I can set this please?


Hi Sir, those buggers are full of *#&$. Most of them end up unplugged. There is a funny trick around the protocol selection, but i cant remember now. Fixed a few for friends before but not working with it enough to burn it into my brain.

Let me look around. Will let you know when i find something, if you dont manage before then.

Just found this between my documents.

Luxpower Inverter Guide.pdf (392.6 KB)

Hope it helps.


Thanks Jaco, I’ll give that a read and revert