30min “they” said … it is easy “they” said … yea right.
The first stumbling block, yeah one “sees” but does not “see”. The inverter was mounted first, right, and THEN the AC wires were connected, neat, short, and very tight inside some cool trunking. There is no way to take that inverter off, without a lot of work. So that took a good 40min to disentangle it all, just to get the unit off the wall.
10min, the new unit was connected, UPS only.
And THEN the drama sommer starts good.
The second problem, ok, let’s program the inverter. Nope, the internet is down. Ok, I’ll get to that, I’ve got this, look for the MK3. 15min more.
Keep in mind, people are circling like vultures, when is the power back … we need to work/study … when!? Vicious stares I tell ya.
Dont’s ask for permission “they” said. I did not … I was scared for my life.
Then the third problem hits … found the MK3, but where the f…k is the USB cable, WHO. TOOK. THE. USB. CABLE!!! a very dangerous voice shouted in the dark … the vultures dispersed like mist from the sun. I felt safe again. So that took another 15-30min to find one that works.
So nearly 4 hours later, the inverter is connected, ready to test 8am LS, and the internet works again…
If I find the “they” who said 30min tops …
Re. the internet, thank snot for Hyper-V backups, had to restore the Firewall Virtual PC, after spending 30min on WA with Afrihost to check the router is connected and seen on their side. Need 20min to have it off for the cache to clear or some such, hence the 30min.
FWIW, Afrihost support on WA, their patience, just sommer damn great man! Respect to those guys.
My luck, Murphy and his Brother Uncle Bob, just sat there drinking a cold one. What will go wrong, shall go wrong, that is the law for TTT.