😖 Why I wanted Solar for is not why I needed Solar

That’s been my experience too. Having backup tends to disconnect you a bit from the public sentiment around you, and that is not always good.

That auntie in the Deep South swearing at 1:15AM because she has to do the washing at that time of the night… that was an eye-opener for me. This is what it does to people.

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It’s like, what comes after electricity? The Stone Age. And candles, we hope. Distinctly backwards as that tannie swore…


wow, and those are just some of the thoughts - so here we covered just about everything including long-drops :rofl:
speaking of which; all water in finland is pumped to residences, hence when they have electricity outages there is no water pressure, think on that whilst paging thru your andy capp comics next time you sit on the throne hehehe
indeed, the prepper in us - we will camouflage it with all sorts of stuff including ROI and ‘need to have’ etc, yet we are comfy creatures at the bottom, even if it costs us.
lekkerwindinniekaapGroetnis [idea courtesy of @Sarel.Wagner]


Since you’re talking about that, the good citizens of Durbs, certainly to the North, are about reduced to dry cleaning … chops in charge here don’t even know what the problems is yet.

Durban North water crisis enters day five, as residents claim sabotage (iol.co.za)

reminds me of a pig farmer we as family once used to go to for sunday lunch… i once mentioned the stench… he replied smiling ‘the smell of money’ - and that was a LOT of money :money_mouth_face:

Geez, what a mess in Durbs/Jhb/Pta …

On 4x4 forum, a lot of guys are installing water security, tanks, filters, the works.

Reminds me of #DayZero, cause in CPT you get everything first. First LS, first city nearly running out of water, first city to get renewables en-mass … weather … like this new Yellow Level 2 Warning storm hitting us in the next 24/48 hours.

Luckily we have a Munic that is still on top of maintenance, and expansion, service.

it always begins somewhere… like a senior guy in the old police force once said ‘as jy jou vrou verneuk kan jy jou land verraai’… in retrospect parliament must have been quite a jolly affair :see_no_evil:

That’s it. I’m moving to Gobabis.

Naaa, once we know how to handle it, it becomes a breeze …

There’s an old joke about this. Gobabis is so far behind the times, that when the world ends, I’m moving there in order to get an extra 2 weeks.

It is so far behind, the traffic lights are still in black and white.

There was an attempt, once, at upgrading that, but the first time the traffic light turned green, some cattle came by and ate it.

It’s better than Kamanjab though. Kamanjab is so small, that if you swerve to avoid the chicken crossing the road, you miss the town. If you hit the chicken, the entire town is full of feathers. The “welcome” and “have a safe trip” sign is the same one. And if you use a hairdryer, the streetlight dims.