Swopping Victron Multiplus II 3KVA for 5KVA

Move your positive and negative wires to the middle and right or middle and left poles on the fuse holder and you might get away with everything as it is. Moving the wires to adjacent poles might line up well with the battery cable entries on the inverter and smaller spacing between the inverter and the battery fuse holder should not be a big issue.

Good question!!!

If one installed 10mm as George did, and sparkie did the 50a breaker in the DB, sorted.
Or whatever the specs are today.

If one went min specs for a 3kva, it COULD have been extra drama.

No-one asked, or checked. :rofl:

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Are you selling the 3kva?

I will be, yes, DM me.


Exciting times!!!

When I upgraded from 3 to 5 late last year, it was like a completely new solar system even though we managed just fine with the 3.

Almost no management involved now. You are going to love it!


Been wanting to do this for a while now… Expanded my Battery bank last year, this year it’s the inverter, and will add more pv next year (biggest challenge due to roof space/shape/size)


All I now want extra, is more battery. But this will be much more difficult to accomplish than your swapping of the inverter. I have 4 batteries neatly fitted on a bracket against the wall.

To add to that will mean a whole new racking system and longer cables at various areas.

I need to keep telling myself, 20Kwh’s is enough - make it work!

EDIT - We had 3 absolute nightmarish days of rain and very dark clouds about 2 weeks ago. (20 was not enough…)

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Will 40kWh be enough? Are you sure?

What if you have “6 absolute nightmarish days of rain and very dark clouds”, wat dan?

Ask any Captonian … :innocent:

The weather is changing.

When are we “satisfied”? I ask myself all the time.


TTT… we never be happy… we will be happy once we have our own SMR on prem…


That’s an easy one. The answer is of course, never.

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And that is why I aspire to be like my grandparents … they are so relaxed, and satisfied. Have warm blankets, healthy simple tasty foods, clean air to breathe, water to drink, healthy, and love each other to bits.

And when there is LS, they talk shiite the whole time and laugh around a candle with wine.

Ok ok, it is fictitious. I just want to be like that one day. :slight_smile:

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Man, I normally hear this kind of objection from Americans, complaining that since solar doesn’t work all the time therefore they’d rather not save money by using it when it does. Beter een half ei dan een lege dop apparently didn’t stick around when English took over in the 18th century.

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I’m not “objecting” to anything, just pointing out to ask the question: Where is enough enough? :slight_smile:

Solar works. It has been for millions of years.

But it comes with very undeniable uncompromising fundamental laws.

Oh I know, but sometimes I have to mess with you.

“As is verbrande hout” :slight_smile:

i see someone got hold of the wooden spoon again…


There where a time on another business forum many many years ago when I was presented a Wooden Spoon at a function for stirring.

If one does it right, it can become a “thing” of great fun … with the right crowd.

Was also there the one who started a jokes thread. Got so big and viewed so many times, that some, like there always are, complained, is this a Business or a jokes forum?

Business people like jokes … hellloooo! :rofl:

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no argument from me… world are far to tense as it is, as the saying goes… put them big boy shoes on…

we at time need to laugh at ourself or make others laugh at us…



But it can take its toll on the space on the server where this site is stored.

Hence I have not started on the Jokes thread.

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I was once given an award for the guy who talked the most about random stuff… after I had left the company. I heard about it afterwards. I left an indelible mark it seems…

(I liked to talk about philosophy and other interesting bits over lunch…).

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Unbelievable :wink: