Thanks plonkster – I do use Home Assistant with modbusTCP but for some or other reason thought that register was not writable. D’oh!
From what I could gather from the long thread (the Charge only from Solar one) and the Cronjob one many users rather tweak the following:
- MinimumSOC
- Grid setpoint
- Inverter On/Off (or max W)
- Charger On/Off (or max W)
I misunderstood something about the minimum SOC and the state machine and avoided it at first, but after some additional experimentation, I think it might do what I want.
In short – I want to let the sun charge batteries up to 100% and then avoid using batteries during the peak evening hours, but rather start using batteries later at night. The basic aim is to ensure that I have battery power throughout the night (I live in an area that is prone to cable theft or municipal issues) - it should reach my usual minimum SOC of 30% more or less just before the sun starts shining in full force again the next morning.
Of course, always the chance that the sun won’t shine the next morning, and estimating my usage for the night is tricky too, but at least it won’t deplete batteries by 23:00 due to the stove/oven/power-hungry PCs etc. during the early evenings.
Next project: getting my crypto miner going on excess solar power to mine crypto and pay for another PylonTech…