Sunsync or Victron - Should I replace my Victron system

In my mind the pecking order is… right at the bottom you have your Voltronic Infini (the 3k and 4k models). Man those were rubbish. Then you have the Axpert, which I consider the best house in a bad neighbourhood, if I can borrow a real estate analogy. Yes, I consider the Axpert a better option than the budget Infinis… even though it cannot grid-tie.

Next up is the sunsynk, then the Goodwe, then Big Blue. Yes, I think Goodwe makes a better machine than Sunsynk. Just based off what I’ve heard and seen of them.

I can think of at least three other brands which are even more expensive (and rightly so), as we continue this pecking order, but I will leave it here :slight_smile: