PV Yield Support Group - with a hint of Prepping. :-)

That is not doom-and-gloom … those are hard-core real-life facts when grids fail catastrophically. Repairs could take years, if not decades, depending on how many transformers, and their size, blew.

I read a lot of novels, the writers who write about pandemics, o man, I swear they wrote about the Covid pandemic, as they got it all down to a T … bar the death rate. Novels are like 95%, not Covid’s actual ±3.5%.

Other writers write about grid failures, whatever the cause … and it is way worse than we can even pretend to try and grasp, once you sit down and think of every teeny weeny impact, and then extrapolate that.

I want a little 30-40ft yacht moored somewhere close that is kitted and ready to go.

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Problem is you still need to get to it. I’m here in the highveld…

Yeah, read novels about that too … going by boat. Has a new set of challenges. :slight_smile:

Even if it is a nuclear submarine or a flight deck ship …

I think wqe need to rename the thread to “Preppers Support Group”.

I now need to go buy some canned food. What is the minimum cans you need to you the group these days? 5 cans should do?



Haha! I’ve got quite a bit of canned food. Some have “expired” years ago, but I’m pretty sure the taste just changes. It doesn’t actually go bad… Will have to test one at some point.

Also, if I could get an underground bunker, it will be flippen amazing. Technically, if I fill up my driveway and build a new garage on top of that, my old garage will be an underground bunker… Already have my inverter installed there, got plumbing down there…

Oh man, don’t give me ideas…

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Just remember to post pictures as you build it. :smiley:

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Haha! Never. What is the point of a bunker if others know about it. :sweat_smile:


Doesn’t mean you have to let them inside…

I’ll admit it, I’m somewhat of a doomsday prepper.

Have enough dry food and cans to last the family and I for about a 3 months (properly rationed)

Water storage I have in the form of 10 000L rainwater, just need to purify it to make it potable.

I have enough gas to run our stove for 3 years plus. Geyser is still done with inverter as well as fridges working from it.

Even have an emergency stash of food and 50L water permanently in the zombie apocalypse vehicle to last us a month. It also has tents and matrasses and camping chairs permanently in the vehicle. Fridge, dual battery system also in perfect running order and I have 160W solar panels permanently on the roof, and quickly removable.

Small camping stove and 10 gas canisters for cooking

Also have a grab/bugout bag in the vehicle which will sort us for about a week on food, and probably half a week on water. Bag has its own hiker size gas stove and all sorts of other goodies in it.

The big thing about bugging out at your house though, that many people don’t think about - is the latrines.

Once Eskom goes down, and water purifying stations stops working and sewage etc starts to build up in the sewers, all the water in your tanks will not get your toilet to flush anymore and you can imagine the k@kspul…

You need to dig a long drop in your back yard else your house will very soon be a very unpleasant place.

Or you get a septic tank in your mission to get off grid! :smiley:

There are no sewage pipes here by us. It’s all septic drains. So if the power fails I’ll be OK. (Even without a bunker)

With all this planning… what about “witgoud” aka TP… :slight_smile: :slightly_smiling_face:
Its winter now, so alot of grass around… i quest.

We already buy that in bulk!

If you have water, you should be sorted!

check :heavy_check_mark:
our house in plot has 5000L septic tank.
But better hope its not the year you have to pump it :laughing:

Harbor Island maybe? Gordons bay harbor is to expensive…

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I like the new heading :slight_smile:

pun intended?


Hahaha! I guess statistically it isn’t too unlikely to find preppers on a forum filled with people who made plans regarding loadshedding.

Maybe it is time for Victron to design a hot swappable Multiplus, so that you can just pull it off the wall while you are running to your doomsday truck, plug it in on the truck, pull it off when you get at the harbour and plug it into your sailboat. I’m sure there’s a market. :sweat_smile:

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