Led 4ft tube lights source? price?

indeed - to generalize the opposite would be a grave mistake, good quality does emanate from the PRC, various items, even the keyboard, mouse, pc and most of the internet infrastructure making our communication possible is chinese made, including most pv’s, batteries and inverters :smiley:

This company is also worth a call: https://thelamphouse.co.za/
DS-L276040630.pdf (264.6 KB)
I bought these lamps from them. They have a driver that works on any voltage from 12V to 60V. These are mainly used in the marine environment.
You will pay more for a well designed product like this but it’s worth it I reckon…


Bear in mind that LEDs are current devices. (not voltage) This means they should have a current driver built into the light fitting.
It’s a bit confusing because all previous commercial lighting were defined by voltage.
My experience is that often bone fide LED drivers in globes and tubes are cheap & nasty or don’t exist at all…

If it ever was. Many years ago I worked for a company who “distributed” Blaupunkt in Africa south of the equator. Everybody thought they were getting nice German gear. They weren’t. The company had the rights to use the name. They could block any parallel imports of genuine gear, and they themselves would just silkscreen the name onto whatever they felt like bringing in from the (then cheap) markets in the East.

These days it’s far trickier. Or we have to get used to new brand names. These days the Chinese will make anything you want. You want it built down to a price? Sure. You want it built up to a specificaction? They’ll do that too.

We talk about good and not-so-good brands of battery, but the reality is that the cells and the BMS are nearly always Chinese.


Blaupunkt, Phillips, Telefunken, Russell Hobbs… all Chinese now. The last one still British owned I believe, and I have mostly good experiences with the product.

AEG and Electrolux appliances, also Chinese now. Still fairly good products, but not the tanks of yesteryear.

thanks, yes indeed, that practice is very prevalent especially amongst religions and politics :see_no_evil: at last i received my OSRAM LED tubes…MADE IN CHINA :grin:
[the warmer light tubes are more expensive [lower Kelvin numbers]]

late 70s long ago, border duty near Angola; one of my buddies was a station commander supervising the local Ovambo ‘troops’ - most of the time he was collecting old army vehicle batteries - hundreds of them, mahala, and melted out all the lead and sent it home with the weekly flossie… avid angler i presume, he also used it for sinkers - maybe the fumes got him in the end - another way of getting full of lead, not by enemy fire though :see_no_evil:

It’s good that lead gets recycled however. I haven’t got a full grasp of the toxic aspect of the metal however. I understand using it for manufacturing paint is the real problem. (Apparently children eat flakes which then causes brain damage)

yip, kids will put anythingh in their mouths [smokers, “If the shoe fits, wear it” :crazy_face:]

The reputable paint manufacturers don’t use lead nowadays (even in SA) but the policing of this in Africa isn’t good.
PS: And don’t put airgun pellets in your mouth for easy access! :skull:

eish, and is that not what we as kids used to do when out to chase them big five :rofl:

apparently Nero swallowed most of his pellets :crazy_face: