Guard House Backup Power

Ok so the Kapa unit is off the cards then… is my only option the Axpert/Mecer unit if I want to connect it into a DB board?

I just spoke to someone at Voltex and they said that the Kapa unit can be connected into the DB (it just can’t power all the circuits depending on loads)… not sure what to go with… any help would be appreciated.

To be connected into a DB, the inverter must bond neutral and earth together when it goes into “islanded” mode, ie when the grid fails.

The inverter you linked in the first post doesn’t do that. It cannot be connected into a DB, it is strictly a UPS.

If it has to go into a DB, my best advice would be to look at a small Multiplus. A 600VA or 800VA unit maybe, though I understand that’s like half the 18k budget, but it should fit fine.

Otherwise, maybe one of those small 24V 3kVA axperts… maybe… I don’t like recommending a competitor, but it is a step up from the Mecer you linked at the beginning (which is really rather a terrible thing, it is an HF design, but with a self-consumption of around 40W, really poor for such a modern design). And they can go into a DB.

Thanks @plonkster - I think it might be best to then just convert the gate/intercom system to a normal 3 pin plug for the Kapa unit… (remove it off a circuit breaker).

We can survive without the street lamps and we can get a backup light for the actual guardhouse.

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Why not just take the light circuit out of the db as well and just put a 3 pin plug on it similar to what you want to do with the gate motor.

In my complex guardhouse, we have a small trolley inverter with 2 batteries. CCTV, fence and intercom is on it. We’ve got a centurion d10 motor and I’ve put a plug on it that the guards connect when there’s an outage during the night. Otherwise it’s on mains and they operate manually during the day. With stage 6, the batteries don’t get enough time to charge so prefer to keep the motor off.

Thanks @Vassen - didnt think I could do that with the lights as well. Will plan it out