Yup. It is estimated that the “point of no return” is some time in 2070, but if…
… then it may be way sooner than that.
Yup. It is estimated that the “point of no return” is some time in 2070, but if…
… then it may be way sooner than that.
I think it is “here” …
Scientists are warning that last year the ability of the planet’s land and trees to absorb CO2 was dramatically reduced, almost to zero. Land sinks are a huge part of the path to net zero, and most climate modeling has not accounted for this, meaning global heating could be more extreme than expected if this continues. Patrick Greenfield looks at the consequences in Finland, where the country’s forest sink has declined rapidly over a decade – meaning its land is now a net contributor to global heating.
Thinking back over the decades of the arguments for and against “Global Warming” (yes, I use “that” term), the fights, the pseudo science saying it is not happening, the Doomsday Sayers too, the Media’s involvement, or not involved, the research’s on the ground ignored, Amazon now having a serious drought.
It has taken a long time, did NOT happen overnight.
Yet some are are “surprised, did not see it coming”.
Yeah right ok fine boet.
Looking at all of this I am getting a light itch to wonder when would be a good time to start forming a thought to start get a inkling to consider if one must, or not, begin to think on maybe some long-term measures for oneself … … … … … nope, itch is gone.
No, not at all. Instead they made up a new conspiracy. You see, it is the government sending up planes to spray the clouds and steer the weather. Hurricane Helene is the work of a shadow government organisation hellbent on… uuuh… something. Look, chemtrails!
Sometimes I wonder if we don’t deserve to get wiped out.
Man, did I have a good laugh now.
Cause dammit I saw same.
Yeah, humankind is not in a good spot right now.
I saw this picture where someone compared the colours of the sky (all rainbowy) with the colours on the ground where water had fallen (also showing that rainbow colour effect), claiming that it is proof that the same thing that is in the sky is clearly now also in the rainwater. Someone in the comments did try to explain to him that that is what it looks like when it rains on oil…
The irony is so stark. I would laugh if it wasn’t this tragic.
But to actually discuss the article. Note that the issue is REGIONAL. It has been observed that in some areas land/trees absorbed very little CO2. It would be a much MUCH greater disaster if this happened everywhere (it reminds me of the movie Interstellar where a plant disease wiped out every crop except corn… that level of disaster).
We are also talking about net carbon absorption. Plants are still doing photosynthesis. They still absorb carbon. The issue is that all the rotting plant material around them is being turned into CO2 and methane at the same time. The rising temperatures means that this is happening faster. The higher temperature also means less water, and a plant can have all the CO2 in the world, but without water it cannot do a thing. On top of that, the plant’s ability to take up Nitrogen is also affected, which means simply the poor thing cannot grow properly, and if it cannot grow, it won’t take up all the CO2 you throw at it.
Of course, many many people, even laymen, have been saying this for a long time. But the infuriating climate change deniers can get no further than “CO2 is plant food”. Grrr.
On that topic, of conspiracy theories. The most recent one, apparently, is that our learned “awake” (not woke, awake!) friends have always been telling us that Hollywood is full of perverts. Now I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t actually remember them doing that. I do remember them going on about 9/11 being an inside job and vaccines being a tool for depopulation, yes, but I did not hear much about Hollywood. I digress. Apparently they have been telling us for years, and it has now turned out to be true: The recent surge of serious paedophilia convictions in Hollywood is absolute proof that every person who works in Hollywood is a paedophile.
It is not quite clear when you get to join the gang. Is the Cameraman allowed? How about the lighting guy? Do you have to join the Union first? Are the voice-over guys from Toy Story in on it too?
Now, not to make light of paedophilia… but… the normal “natural” incidence of paedophilic tendencies in males is about 1%. That in itself is a scary scary high number. Note that this is the statistical chance of having the tendency, it doesn’t mean such males will always act on it. Remember also that technically any attraction to someone younger than 18 qualifies, and one of the most searched for age groups on porn sites are for 18-year old “barely legal” teens sort of nonsense, and that number suddenly seems almost a tad low. With that in mind… is the recent spate of convictions in Hollywood really surprising? I have a suspicion it is barely above the background rate, but just way way more noticed and reported on than the favourite family uncle whom nobody suspects.
Yeah I know… touchy subject matter!
So now it is “Hollywood”, interesting.
Before that it was a internationally known church.
Before that an exclusive “island”.
Before that swimming/gymnastics youngsters.
Let me be clear.
I get REALLY angry on the matter. What truly gets me is the “playing ostrich” by family members in the “know”, “talking away”/ignoring the pleas for help. Coaches, teachers. If any of my kids where to come with any hint of an issue, I don’t care who that family member is (it normally is the trusted ones), I’m coming for you, legally that is, and I won’t stop.
Enough on that.
2025 they will run out of conspiracies on Global Warming.
Me too. Sorry for continuing that conversation a little longer. I get angry because in Hollywood you actually have a chance of someone believing you. These are high profile people. Tall trees and all that. The poor kid being molested by an uncle has none of that. That is not fair.
Secondly, I hate that conspiracy theorists get to use this extremely sensitive topic as an example of “how they were right”, trying hard to confer the authority and agreement of that onto their many other conjectures, such as the mentioned 9/11 being an inside job, or the moon landing being fake, or the earth being flat, or Lizard people running the world, or chips in vaccines (everyone knows by now the chips were in the Ivermectin!).
I think of that old movie that came out in the late 90s, it had Mel Gibson in it, of the guy who has about a dozen conspiracy theories, and then one of them turns out to be true. Now all these people are trying to kill him and he has to figure out which theory he got right…
Humanity is “on the precipice” of shattering Earth’s limits, and will suffer huge costs if we fail to act on biodiversity loss, experts are warning. This week, world leaders meet in Cali, Colombia, for the Cop16 UN biodiversity conference to discuss action on the global crisis. Scientists say there is “no time to waste”.
Good news for the climate: oilfields could soon become a bad investment, as the world approaches peak oil, meaning supply will outstrip demand. This is being driven largely by China, where the majority of electric cars are now cheaper than those fueled by gas or diesel.
Ok, enough already … or not?
This titbit, I have mentioned it a while back as potentially another big factor, and it still comes up time after time …
I really wonder how much methane is really being released, that is not officially reported. It is in no-ones interest to report on that, is there?
Ok, this is interesting:
Bugger … I did not know this is a thing!
Animals dying on their feet isn’t uncommon. Cattle that eat wilted plants (farmers call it “Blousuur”, Hydrogen Cyanide) die in the same manner. They drink water, which activates the process, and quite often the farmer will find a row of animals in the “tweespoor” (dirt road), that died in the order they were walking and dropped right there.
Reason my mind jumped here: The “Cyano” in Cyanobacteria refers to the colour. Blue. Probably a very similar process at work.
Edit: You can counteract the problem by feeding the animal Sulphur.
This was in the New York Times, paid readers.
Same article, free here:
Man, it is not good …