Stage 5? Forget it! Eskom direct customer … we’ve had 5 hours of power today, 14 hours no power so far. Every time a loadshedding block stops, power comes back for a couple of seconds, then goes off until exactly one hour before the next stint starts. We are borked.
Can we get back to Eskom LS. @mmaritz, please move the thread not relating to Eskom and our chances please?
Bugger … and I have a pea in my mattress.
Pea reference, me B&M to the effect on businesses with no set kept standardized schedules.
Man, it is getting “interesting” when members of this forum are starting to raised their “frustrations”.
That is getting “closer to home” … sommer another bugger.
I don’t blame the guy to be honest.
O shitte …
Edit: I wanted to add something, but I have nothing left.
When I got the news, I just started laughing.
Afrikaans and German has a word for this. Leedvermaak. Schadenfreude. I’m now amused not at other people’s bad luck… I’m amused at our own.
If these levels of loadshedding are the new norm I expect private generation to boom.
Back when we first wanted to install a solar / battery backup system on the farm it didn’t really make financial sense as we were only burning around R5K-R7K worth of diesel in the generator.
The increase in the diesel price along with the increases in loadshedding now has us burning R35K per month…
Suddenly its become more than viable, its become the no-brainer option.
Now to proof they are better, the will lower stage 6 to stage 4 or 3 and run the already f’d-up infrastructure into the ground…
What can I say, with a salesman like Eskom, how can anyone in my profession complain???
I feel so sorry for SA.
Did not think of that … mmm, would be an epic move when they do that.
De Ruyter will go just about the time the new diesel budget gets approved.
Then there will be a honeymoon period without LS until elections while that budget gets spent with gay abandon.
Then afterwards reality will kick in like a Sunday morning hangover.
I have just installed Eskom se"capey" on my phone and found this…
Not conclusive… But a big coincedance??
Yes, they are going down to stage 4. But I am not yet ready to call cause and effect on it. I believe the man is still working his notice period
He’s actually there until March 2023. And Oberholzer is retiring in April 2023, so they’re both leaving at the same time, just before the new financial year.
And you’d be surprised how many people will fall for that strategy. I’m really surprised by the amount of people who thinks that De Ruyter did a poor job because we have such bad loadshedding. I guess to the average person they just need someone to blame, and it’ll be the CEO.
Another factor (apart from the diesel budget) that could lead to short term reprieve with him gone is also the sabotage, because the corruption networks will be free to operate again. Obviously it is not better in the long term, but who remembers for long anyways these days?
André’s exit is the best thing that could happen. The optimist in me says it proves to Eskom’s creditors that this thing cannot be fixed from the inside.
BTW this from a R12m BESS Capex request I submitted yesterday. When comparing loadshedding year on year we should not only look at the duration but also the stage. I coined a KPI “Stage-Days per Month”. On that basis, Sep-Nov 2022 was 6 times more than the same period last year at an average of 74 Stage-Days per Month. December is set to top it all at around 110 Stage-Days per month.
The theory that I have been told is that a lot of the internal corrupt crew, really didn’t like what he was doing. There has been a lot of internal sabotage to make things worse and to eventually work him out.
The next step from here is that the sabotage stops so the corruption can get back up to its previous highs.
I’m guessing we going to see a book from him in the future.