Eskom ... is there ANY chance? In CPT there is

Any jobs that pay Euro @plonkster :wink:

Bugger … also heard that the Unions are bailing on Rama too.

This is good, the ANC is being pulled apart internally, with the Zuma faction driving it. Dr Zol for Pressi it is speculated.

And that is very very bad.

Will see how this plays out … African politics are “different” to western ways.

Is the RET faction the one and same??
The sudden load shedding increase to level 4 to protest against CR?

Doubt it. The official reason is to restore reserves (Diesel, pumped hydro) and to me it makes perfect sense. Do it on Sundays when there is less disruption. Also, happened too quickly after the news arrived that CR is figthing back.

Cum hoc ergo propter hoc? :slight_smile:

Other news said they are begging treaury for 20Bn for Diesel. That implies they don’t have money for more Diesel. Honestly, the stage-4 isn’t the surprise. That we’ve been able to do stage 2 last week is more of a surprise :slight_smile:


When you hear hooves, think horses, not zebras.

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Have they forgotten to count? We switch between stage 2 and 4. What happened to stage 3??

Tracey in accounting is learning her times table and we’re trying to support that. You know, 2, 4, 6, 8…

And of course because 7 ate 9 :stuck_out_tongue:

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Also, by sticking with the even numbers, Cape Town becomes the odd one.

(or the Star Wars version of that joke: why afraid of 7, 6 was? Because 9, 7 8!)

Cape Town can also be considered a prime location.

Only when Eskom is in stage 4 though :slight_smile:

Stage 6 would also do.

pfffft of course :slight_smile:

On that topic (less joking), this guy is excellent.

I don’t think those kids even realize how lucky they are to have a teacher that passionate about what he is teaching.
To me it only really sunk in much later in life (after finishing high school) that some teachers really go far beyond the “minimum” requirements and really invest themselves into their students success.
Anyhow, thanks for the video!

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Stage 6 from 16:00.

I still hope that queasy feeling I have in my stomach is just gas.

Again, mandatory video insert…

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Not in CT so stage 6 kicked in at 12 in our neck of the woods… 30 mins after stage 6 commenced, some affirmative shoppers shredded a sub station, stole batteries etc so our neighbourhood and a few others do not have Eskom power for who knows how long - we are ok but shew, normal folk and businesses in the area :face_holding_back_tears:

There is a small part of me cheering for Stage 7.

A very small part.

Not because that would be good. It would be exceedingly bad. But apparently it first has to get worse before it can go better, and sometimes, the road to recovery may require hastening the race to rock bottom. An unprecedented Stage 7 should help with that…

Then again, as is typical of our people, they’ll probably fire the coach and expect to get into the next world cup with that one simple adjustment.

I don’t know who the coach is of the Boks is but they are in fine form! Perhaps they can be engaged to sort Eskom out?

Koeberg Unit 1 (930MW) shut down yesterday at 18h00 for the 6-month refurbishment outage, so you might get what you wish for…

Correction, they cancelled it last minute.