Eskom ... is there ANY chance? In CPT there is

But HERE we are sensible, no trolls.

I just leave this here … no reporters, just an ANC elected who speaks …

Btw, I get what he is saying … cognisant of the fact that English is not his mother tongue.

But telling that to the unemployed, jy gaan ge-bliksim word meneer. Hard!

In Calculus speak, he is saying the second derivative is negative. Or in lay terms, before you can stop, you have to slow down, you must at least stop speeding up! He’s saying the foot is being lifted off the accelerator. At least he is honest (for once?). The crowd doesn’t seem to like the answer though.

What is perhaps missed is that in the part of his speech that forms the basis for the clickable headline he was either going off the cuff or made some last moment changes to the formal prepared speech. Unfortunately Ramaphosa is no ET or Malema and he tripped himself up trying to, I believe, communicate his passion for “blue collar” workers and/or signalling to labour/unions they are acknowledged. I reckon he wanted to get the message across that if workers were included as active participants from earlier on, that the economic reality would be different and that that exclusion still has a negative effect that many people underestimate.

I am way too dof to understand economics but I suspect the dailyfiend content creator also did not bother doing any analysis of substance. I think more than individual leaders influence what happens and that there are some general trends. First graph is GDP growth (dailyfiend included one highlighting the different presidential terms). Second graph is debt to GDP.

I would say abusing apartheid’s legacy as an excuse by politicians is one aspect but it does not negate the very real negative effects for people even after 30 years.

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That is what I meant, yes.

Thanks for the other facts.

He is of course also canvassing votes! And we should expect him to :slight_smile: Naturally he will recall all those times they were fighting on the same side, he is after all an old trade unionist.

absolutely - why I think the deviation from the prepared speech which was probably too focussed on just “the party”.

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actually was a Mail & Guardian hosted National Elections Town Hall Election Debate at the University of Limpopo.

@TheTerribleTriplet, I don’t know what dailyfiend is up to but maybe we can get the jump on them with the headline “Malema says Mandela was wrong and Verwoerd was right:wink:

To try and circle back a bit from pure politics/media analysis to slightly more energy/electricity related - how about an EFF plan to stop load shedding in less than a year by enforcing a switch to gas for cooking and heating (space and water)?

Might help with peak loads but not sure costs and efficiency will truly pass the “we fight for the poor” test.

Ah man, those are just precious comments.

Adored the part of “wastage” on cooking and heating geysers. :rofl:

And less we forget, the “next” fight if he gets gas in everywhere, giving his successors their “plan to vote him out”:



Ja, ons weet.

I have wondered about this before …

@Robert How many tankers are in Mosselbay ready to offload their diesel??

But are they? The charts that are available in the public domain show OCGT use down a lot from this time last year.

OK… so those charts could be manipulated. But there would be a trail somewhere. Eskom would have to be buying a lot of diesel and it’s hard to keep all of that invisible.

Maybe things have improved a bit?

Not all the way. And Eskom have said as much. They are warning that there will be shedding during the winter.

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Yes, all of that is true.

But what has come out with the ANC the last 30+ years, the conniving, the lies, the bamboozling, EVERYTHING is at stake for them these coming elections.

Hence I am wondering.

There is no need to speculate about this. Both of these statements are true.

They are currently burning less Diesel than last year the same time. Caught a bit of a lucky break. One news article (Broad Media!) quoted the system operator as saying that the solar energy installed by all and sundry reduces demand during daytime and allows replenishing pumped storage and preserving Diesel.

But if things take a turn for the worse, I fully expect that a lot of Diesel will be burned under political pressure. So far it just hasn’t happened yet, despite what is being preached around the braaivleis fire.

Waar daar ''n wil is is daar 'n weg …

Three as of today

:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: Thought, no, I don’t want to make that reply here. Then clicked the wrong button. So (again) I am deleting the contents of the post.

My reply to the above WA:
IF this was indeed the case, politicking and “knife to grind” and whatever else, or lies, blah blah blah.

Cause ANC will do what the ANC does, +70yo trained by the KGB way back on how to govern till “thy kingdom comes”.

And IF it is true, “whatyougonnado”?

O wait, we did it. We sorted it ourselves and the people who are suffering are the voters.


I don’t know if I understand your response. And I’m also not sure I understand Mbeki’s response. And on top of that, a little engineering is something I have done myself.

A long time ago, when servers still had really small hard drives and several people had an account on one unix server, I had a problem with disk space. I asked my users to please delete anything they don’t need to keep there, and rather keep it on their own computers. Nobody listened. It was Friday morning around 10AM, and I knew we were going to run out of space that weekend.

So I created a large file full of zeroes to fill up the remaining space. I engineered an outage. And then I waited.

Was the outage engineered? Yes. Does that mean we didn’t have a real shortage on disk space? No.