Eskom ... is there ANY chance? In CPT there is

Relax people, they’ve got it covered… from sabotage being investigated to carefully managed by Eskom … our Gov officials is onnit man! Relax!

Sorted see …

Yeah, that is what was mentioned by our minister:

Although of course they’re sort of saying it’s the manufacturer’s fault, but it depends on how you read it as it might also be that they’re working with manufacturers to have more tolerance:

He said that the utility was working with the manufacturers of the units to address this.

“The people who know the DNA of these units have been assigned this responsibility so that we are able to, if you like, do profile, root cause analysis, be able to diagnose and then provide a prognosis.”

What do they say - Garbage in => Garbage Out

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Saw this … ignore the source, “daar is 'n rokie wat hier trek” …

Summary: They don’t really have a legal framework for houses in the middle of towns and cities who suddenly DOESN’T want a grid connection, and also don’t want to pay for it. There is also no national legislation for this, so each town/city does their own thing. A large scale moving away will be a disaster for some (since they cross-subsidise things from electricity), so don’t expect it to come easy.

Did I get that about right ? :slight_smile:

Interesting: Do have someone in the forum from Eskom :wink:

This was posted 52min ago, about an hour after I posted the same… AI maybe :slight_smile:

Minister, kom ek vertel jou, these pipes are there from way way back when. They were working just fine when the old Eskom was looking after them, no bad pipes and no blaming the manufacturers. But we guess that nowadays goes with the territory, no accountability, at all. Old Eskom managed the plant properly, did preventative maintenance and all that. Also did not lie to everybody and on top of that had no blackouts forever.

You and the thieving people are the problem.


38 posts were merged into an existing topic: Cape Town pays for Domestic Solar Power

The minister says:
Ramokgopa said Eskom had not been receiving power from solar PV and wind generators because of climatic conditions, which had also contributed to escalated load shedding.

As soon as anyone has the real story for this stage 6 LS please let us know.
The last time this happened there was a showdown and the private sector was then allowed to supply unlimited power to the grid. (Or is Mr. de Ruyter misleading us in his book??)


… and then …

Sigh. Not even going to bother to look into this behind the scenes …

Cape Town rates/prices discussion moved here…Cape Town pays for Domestic Solar Power - #44 by mmaritz

Janee, In CPT, there is a chance …

World Bank regional head visits City’s Steenbras power plant with the view to deepening support


seeing that this was mentioned previously in the thread - at least the Karoo outage is apparently restored :slightly_smiling_face:

Cheeky so-and-sos had the temerity to tell residents to disconnect their suicide plugs.

Yeah right ok …

But his issue is getting worse … no time to play “catchup”.

Epic …

So glad for the confirmation on this, I was wondering myself. It is easy to say that more maintenance is being done, but when a unit fails to come back on time, then technically that’s no longer planned maintenance. It is now an unplanned outage. Probably with some margin, to be kind, and we always want to be kind, even to people we are angry with. Right? :slight_smile:

The classic phrase ‘between the devil and the deep blue sea’ come to mind.
I’m always frustrated with the politician’s utterances when we hit stage 6 LS as we did recently. We, the end users have to endure endless claptrap until some credible soul clarifies the situation.

Yes, we want to, we do, we are.

BUT … it works in 3’s:

  1. We all make mistakes. Learn from it, and carry on.
  2. Same mistake 2nd time, ok, so you are a slow learner, we understand. Let’s talk slower, he says as he types slower.
  3. 3rd time the same mistake … you are being stupid now. No more pills for you, as there are none.

After 20+ years … no, it is past that point 3. :innocent:

Agree, at this point they deserve no such kindness, just a boot up their collective arses.
