Eskom ... is there ANY chance? In CPT there is

As per original heading, there is…

Again, reading AdeR’s book, you will know that this is the good guys. He speaks of them mostly in a positive light.

I quote … "At this point, it’s at least 24 months ahead of the next metro (this is being generous). And because of the pace its moving (thanks to the momentum inherent in a stable, professional civil service) by the end of this year, it’s going to be 36 months ahead. "

This is awesome!!!

But then one HAS to flip sides … what is the negative of that, when Cpt has reliable power?

Yes, “immigration”.

I said before that unless all big metros in SA do the same as Cpt, Cpt is in for a flood … “die groot trek” in reverse.

Semigration” - just moving to the top deck of the Titanic temporarily…

Joburg property prices are stagnant, while Cape Town’s are appreciating - confirms the migration is in full swing, with many people taking their businesses with them to create new jobs in the Cape. Explains what even a small amount of decent municipal management can do to attract money, skills and business.

Sadly, too many of our kids are leaving SA in droves to build a future overseas where they see the long term prospects for their careers and retirement are better elsewhere. We lost more than 200 BCom Accounting Science graduates of all races at the start of 2023 to do their articles in the UK with the likes of Deloitte, KPMG, etc. These were all people who are crucial to auditing finances and intercepting fraud and corruption in the future. Gone, few to return…

I always tell family and friends that those who want to immigrate … try immigrating to Cape Town first.

At least you keep your medical aid and pension intact.

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I guess that anyone (Saffer) on this forum has long ago decided to make the best of what we have here, which means implementing whatever is needed to be self-sufficient from a point of electricity, water, security and so forth. Beats Ukraine and surrounding countries, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Taiwan and the Middle East. And we have biltong…


Yeah, as I thought … let’s enjoy this break and hope society climbs in faster with the bank’s help … Eskom and the Roman Empire, there seems to be a correlation in my mind. Decline it will, to get back up, now that is a whole new chapter … won’t start a thread on that.

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Just enough hope to make some people put off getting proper battery backup and perhaps solar, until the next 11 hours spurt of load shedding… It’s like getting excited when the government announces that the fuel price is going down 30 cents.

It is a process to go through. I started with a UPS.

And I am moving into a townhouse in a gated community and going BACK to a Sunsynk as a ups :sob:, as the body corporate is throwing up every reason why I cannot install solar panels

There’s always one or two people running a body-corporate. Find them, befriend them and convince them they need solar. Fastest way the rules gets changed.

Jinne, but the story is changing … back to what ADR said.

The minister focused on sabotage at Eskom’s power stations as this will negate any improvements in the utility’s Energy Availability Factor and additional generation capacity.

“We are placing significant amounts of effort in ensuring that we protect these assets and defend the gains we have made,” Ramokgopa said.

The National Electricity Crisis Committee (Necom) has set aside a group of intelligence and police experts to focus on workstream six of the EAP, focusing solely on crime, corruption, and safety at Eskom.

This has resulted in over 1,300 cases of sabotage being reported and over 100 arrests being made.

However, we need to “go beyond the ordinary men to the main orchestrators and the brains behind the efforts to undermine electricity supply”, Ramokgopa said.

Clearly, the destruction of infrastructure is not coincidental, but rather it is orchestrated. Necom has identified several links between acts of sabotage on Eskom infrastructure and the destruction of rail infrastructure in the country.

The minister said he “is more than confident that we will get to the bottom of this” because “if we do not solve this, all of our efforts are going to be undermined”.

We’ll look back at these stories in years to come, when the Minister of Electricity has been replaced, and like the arms deal and all the other scandals, nothing will have changed. The reduction in load shedding of late is unlikely to be sustainable because it would mean the gravy train has derailed, so it’s feasible that level 8 will return and perhaps beyond.

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Ok, this is me and what I read, wondering how things tie in …

We have this:

Now, going from that, in a totally unrelated article, yet it could be intrinsically linked …

… and …

… yeah, who said anything about thnigs is complicated…

Interesting. Not intending to be provocative… but predicting the weather is like forecasting a stock price - everyone has an opinion, and an excuse for when they’re off target. :wink:

But “'n Boer maak 'n plan” like the Pecan Nut farmer near Hartswater (nearest town Kimberley) in this fantastic Victron case study: Largest private solar farm South Africa - Victron Energy

There’s a huge groundswell of solar installations for agriculture, chicken farming and more, and although this would not solve severe drought for many, it will help some.

Do you know of any reliable forecasting of El Niňo patterns in South Africa by credible scientific studies?

Credible :rofl:


Yeah, It is still a prediction … but this is a wee bit bigger than forecasting next months’ weather …ño-and-la-niña-frequently-asked-questions

This Cpt winter, man, it is getting to me, that cold, the wet … and forget solar production.

So if this cold weather pattern has such a HUGE impact on LS, as is claimed, the cooler weather over SA, what will happen in summer, and going into 2024, if it gets really hot, seeing as the weather is changing over the world, on the reliability of coal power stations running so much hotter than this winter …

You guys need to remember that climate science and weather forecasting is two rather different disciplines. They look at completely different data, different time scales, etc.

I always snigger when you get one of those denialist people on social media saying “they cannot even predict the weather next Tuesday but they want to tell me the earth is getting warmer!?”. Yeah, completely different kinds of science.

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My dentist is also technically a doctor but I didn’t go to him when I needed knee surgery :slight_smile: